20140325 - Meeting minutes, Tuesday, March 25h, 2014
OpenNCP Community: Weekly Meeting
25th March 13:00 to 14:30 CET
Work RoadMap - epSOS and Beyond :)
a) Support and Maintenance
- Issues (Critical and Blockers)
- Technical Tasks (source repositories, CI migrations)
b) Governance Model
- Proposal Approval
c) Liaison with Projects and Countries
- Analyse requests
d) Events
- IHE Conectaton 2014, 7 - 11 April > Vienna, Austria
- eHealth Forum 2014 > 12 - 14 May, Athens, Greece
- Skype (licinio.mano) + JoinMe + Work Boards
Today's Meeting Participants:
Invited Members List:
Juergen Wehnert <juergen.wehnert@gematik.de>,
Jussi Lemmetty <jussi.lemmetty@kela.fi>
Marcello Melgara <Marcello.Melgara@cnt.lispa.it>,
Per Loubjerg <consult@loubjerg.dk>,
Aarne Roosi <Aarne.Roosi@affecto.com>,
Alexander Berler <a.berler@gnomon.com.gr>,
Anders Nyström <Anders.Nystrom@apotekensservice.se>,
Arnaud Gaudinat <arnaud.gaudinat@hesge.ch>,
Belani Hrvoje <Hrvoje.Belani@hzzo.hr>,
Gergely Heja <heja.gergely@eski.hu>,
Giorgio Cangioli <giorgio.cangioli@gmail.com>,
Ljubi Igor <Igor.Ljubi@hzzo.hr>,
Oskari Kettinen <oskari.kettinen@kela.fi>,
Maarten Festen <maarten.festen@ihe-europe.net>
Mate Beštek <mate.bestek@gmail.com>,
Milada Kovarova <Milada.Kovarova@posam.sk>,
Mika Myllyvirta <mika.myllyvirta@kela.fi>,
Mindaugas Ajauskas <mindaugas.ajauskas@lispa.it>,
Norbert Repas <norbert.repas@elga.gv.at>,
Patrick Ruch <Patrick.Ruch@unige.ch>,
Tomaz Cebular <Tomaz.Cebular@ivz-rs.si>,
Samuel Danhardt <Samuel.Danhardt@agence-esante.lu>,
Steen Manniche <steen@manniche.net>,
Stefan Gustafsson <stefan.gustafsson@callistaenterprise.se>,
Annika Sonne Hansen <ash@carecom.eu>,
Fredrik Linden <fredrik.linden@skl.se>,
0) Decisions to be taken
a) Support and Maintenance work progress
- Which are the PNs using the OpenNCP Portal (previously known as Gnomon Portal)?
- PT with some extensions;
- CH: is using the epSOS Web Portal, but if they want to have access to other translations (MTC from other Nations), a request needs to be made to CareCom (from Marcello Melgara)
- Not sure if CH can do the needed effort, because they have instructions to not do anything new.
- IT: is using their own portal, and they testing the PAC;
- Extract the generated PS and upload to Gazelle;
- LU: they haven't planned the PAC service, but don't have sure if they are able to work the for the Connectathon.
- Which are the PNs using the OpenNCP Portal (previously known as Gnomon Portal)?
- Support issues
- Technical Tasks
- Moving from "Google Code" to "Bitbucket" (pros and cons) > https://openncp.atlassian.net/wiki/x/F4ANAg
- There is a meeting for 11st March, in order to better understand next steps.
- Bamboo (Atlassian) Vs Jenkins:
- For the time being, Jenkins seems more flexibility and Integration Testing.
- The CI has been identified with bigger priority than
b) OpenNCP Governance Model proposal presentation
- Candidate proposal: https://openncp.atlassian.net/wiki/x/DYANAg
- by Juergen
Licinio Kustra Mano will leave iUZ
The OpenNCP Steering Committee will be hold by Ivo Pinheiro (Marcelo Fonseca and Isabel Cruz), until stable people alignment will be accomplished.
c) Liaison with other Projects and Countries
- OpenHIE - National Pregnancy Registry in South Africa
d) EVENTS "party" ;)
- FI wil be there Jussi Lemmetty (Unlicensed).
- FI wil be there Jussi Lemmetty (Unlicensed).
- These questions have been raised in the last TPM & NEPC meeting (March 11st), but with no straight answer.
- These questions have been raised in the last TPM & NEPC meeting (March 11st), but with no straight answer.
- Marcelo Fonseca: In the event page: create awareness of the decisions and the technical preparation from the OpenNCP team.
- Ivo Pinheiro please check if some action is needed in the code repositories in order to support the Connectathon.
- CROATIA: will be present at the Connectathon, but testing eP or PS?
- Konstantin Hyppönen: Gazelle shows that CROATIA is enrolled with PS (B, and probably A)
- Konstantin Hyppönen: Gazelle shows that CROATIA is enrolled with PS (B, and probably A)
- Shared boot on LU with epSOS and 9-11 April: Med-e-Tel event: http://www.medetel.eu/index.php
- Any support from the OpenNCP Community???
- Show case with LU PPT Environment.
- Any need for OpenNCP Community present???
- Any support from the OpenNCP Community???
- Overall architecture
- Support of IHE profiles and experiences on their implementation and use
- Stability and use in the real pilot environment
- Security
- Development tools
- Integration and testing arrangements
- [LKM - ACTION] Industry Team: what is the role in the session and what are preparing for present there?