20130514 - Meeting minutes, Thuesday , May 14th, 2013

20130514 - Meeting minutes, Thuesday , May 14th, 2013

OpenNCP Weekly Sprint Meeting

14 MAY 14:30 to 15:30  CET

Work RoadMap - epSOS 2 Services

1º Sprint: 28Jan > 8 Fev (2 weeks) > Completed
2º Sprint: 11Fev > 22Fev (2 weeks) > Completed
3º Sprint: 25Fev > 8Mar (2 weeks) > Completed
4º Sprint: 11Mar > 22Mar (2 weeks) (<- both weeks, or perhaps just the last week could be the code freeze?) Completed

  • Release date: 25March (Monday) > OpenNCP 2.0.0 >  Postpone

5º Sprint: 25Mar > 8Apr (2 weeks) Completed 

  • Release date: 10Apr (Thursday) > OpenNCP 1.1.2 > Completed (Release Notes)
  • Release date: 11Apr (Thursday) > OpenNCP 2.0.0 >  Postpone

6º Sprint: 22Apr> 3May (2 weeks) > Completed

  • Release date: 8May (Wednesday) > OpenNCP 1.1.3  > Completed (Release Notes)

 7º Sprint: 6May> 17May (2 weeks)  > in progress

  • Release date: 22 May (Thursday) > OpenNCP 2.0.0 (planned)



0. Monitor previous meeting "next steps"

1. PAC Demonstration progress

2. HCER Development progress

3. Test Automation Implementation progress

4. OpenNCP version merging progress (1.1.3 to 2.0.0)





Skype (sirLicman) + EtherPad (http://openetherpad.org/bhaxTvYuuc)


Aarne Roosi <Aarne.Roosi@affecto.com>, 
Alexander Berler <a.berler@gnomon.com.gr>, 
Arnaud Gaudinat <arnaud.gaudinat@hesge.ch>,
Belani Hrvoje <Hrvoje.Belani@hzzo.hr>,
Fredrik Dahlman <fredrik.dahlman@cag.se>,
[yes] Gareth Woodham <Gareth.Woodham@apotekensservice.se>, 
Gergely Heja <heja.gergely@eski.hu>,
Giorgio Cangioli <giorgio.cangioli@gmail.com>,
Ljubi Igor <Igor.Ljubi@hzzo.hr>,
[yes] Ivo Pinheiro <ivo.pinheiro@iuz.pt>, 
[yes] Konstantin Hypponen <konstantin.hypponen@kela.fi>, 
[yes] Kostas Karkaletsis <k.karkaletsis@gnomon.com.gr>, 
[yes] Licinio Mano <licinio.mano@iuz.pt>,
[yes] Marcello Melgara <Marcello.Melgara@cnt.lispa.it>,
[yes] Marcelo Fonseca <marcelo.fonseca@iuz.pt>, 
Mate Beštek <mate.bestek@gmail.com>,
Mika Myllyvirta <mika.myllyvirta@kela.fi>, 
Mindaugas Ajauskas <mindaugas.ajauskas@lispa.it>, 
[yes] Norbert Repas <norbert.repas@elga.gv.at>,
Patrick Ruch <Patrick.Ruch@unige.ch>,
[yes] Per Loubjerg <consult@loubjerg.dk>,
Tomaz Cebular <Tomaz.Cebular@ivz-rs.si>,
Steen Manniche <STMA@ssi.dk>, 
Stéphane Spahni <stephane.spahni@hcuge.ch>,




0. Monitor previous meeting "next steps"

- [Done - OpenNCP] Review in QA issues, regarding support board (https://openncp.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=2) they will be included in the OpenNCP 1.1.3
- [inProgress - OpenNCP] Develop 2.0.0,  Implement Test Automation, Merge 1.1.3 to 2.0.0
- [Done 7May - Licínio] Clarify with Swedish team the key responsible for epsos-web project still is "Stefan Gustafsson"
- [Done 7May - Licínio] Reinforce importance of Giorgio feedback to the https://openncp.atlassian.net/wiki/x/LACy specification
- [Done 7May - Licínio]  Contact Swedish team to incorporate the Test Automation team
- [Done 7May - Licinio]  Schedule next meeting - proposed date May 14, 2013, 14h00 CET, follows meeting suggested agenda:

1. PAC Demonstration progress

- [MF] Demonstration IMPEDED: 
-- ACTION: PPT Environment > Open Ticket as Incident - Priority Hight > CareCom Support

2. HCER Development progress

- [Kostas] The UI is almost closed - some screens shared (https://openncp.atlassian.net/browse/PT-187);
- [MF] B Side is ready;
- [Konstantin] A side is ready;
- [Kostas] Will work for demonstrate de service!
-- [MM] The TM and TSAM (PoSam) - they will be release in June 3.

3. Test Automation Implementation progress

- [Norbert] Progress: Proof of Concept? Mustafa has been contacted to join the boat for decision taken regarding automation test overview.
-- ACTION: Try to schedule a meeting with Mustafa, having as framework Norbert email;
- [LM] Unfortunately there was no member available for implement  the "Test Automation" mechanisms.

4. OpenNCP version merging progress (1.1.3 to 2.0.0)

- [IP] Request for comments:
    1. Merge branch release/1.1.3 with develop branch
    2. If critical issues need to be solved it will be created an hotfix branch from master to fix this issues.
    3. This should be the strategy to be used from now on:
        --  For the critical issues: should be created an hotfix branch that, after the issues are solved should be merged with master branch and develop branch.
        --  For new features/developments: the new developments should be made on the develop branch.
- [LKM] The merge will occur in the beginning of the next week: 21 and 22 May.
-- [MM] The 4ºPPT > beginning June.




NEXT Steps

- [To Do - MarceloFonseca] PAC Impediment > Open Ticket as Incident - Priority Hight > CareCom Support

- [To Do - Licinio]  Try to schedule a meeting with Mustafa, having as framework Norbert email;

- [To Do - Licinio]  Schedule 'next' meeting - proposed date May 21st, 2013, 10h00 CET