Status of the sprint epics
PAC: wiki page created, both Arnaud and Steen will try to finish theirs in this sprint
Presentation of the coming sprint
There have been no overall theme for the sprints, and already now we can foresee that issues from the current sprint will spill over in the next sprint.
There was some discussion about the possible ambiguity of between the TSAM and the TSAM Synchronizer, and which issues were adressing which components. Please do use the "component" field in the issues, to avoid this confusion
Decision on TSAM Synchronizer upgrade planning
The issues TM-24, TM-25, TM-26 and TM-27 are adressing this
TM-28 is to be postponed (out of the 2.0.0 release)
Decision on epsos1 improvement requests
A decision was made to use the JIRA "voting" functionality. If an issue goes above a threshold of 4 votes, it will be eligible for inclusion in the next sprint.
It has been requested that licensing information is made available on the wiki, with inclusion of which components are released under which license.