20130225 - Meeting minutes, Monday , February 25th, 2013
20130225 - Meeting minutes, Monday , February 25th, 2013
Licinio Kustra Mano
Marcelo Fonseca
Owned by Licinio Kustra Mano
OpenNCP / Sprint Weekly Meeting / Sprint 2 - epSOS 2 Services
25 Feb 10:00 11:00 CET
OpenNCP2.0 Development RoadMap
1º Sprint: 28Jan > 8 Fev (2 weeks) > Completed
2º Sprint: 11Fev > 22Fev (2 weeks) > Completed
3º Sprint: 25Fev > 8Mar (2 weeks) > WE ARE HERE
4º Sprint: 11Mar > 22Mar (2 weeks) (<- both weeks, or perhaps just the last week could be the code freeze?)
- Release date: 25March (Monday) > OpenNCP 2.0.0
Sprint Review (Accomplishments):
- OpenNCP 1.1.1 code FREEZE
- OpenNCP 1.1.1 Release Candidate (QA)
- OpenNCP 1.1.1 Release
Sprint Retrospective (Lessons Learned):
- What we did wrong?
- How can we improve?
- Adopted actions
Sprint Planning (What's next):
- PAC Implementation
- HCER Implementation
- MRO Specification
Skype (Licinio)
- Aarne Roosi
- Alexander Berler
Anders Nyström
- Arnaud Gaudinat
Artur Novek
Fredrik Dahlman
- Gareth Woodham
Gergely Héja
- Giorgio Cangioli
- Konstantin Hyppönen
- Kostas Karkaletsis
- Licínio Mano
- Marcello Melgara
- Marcelo Fonseca
Mate Bestek
Milada Kovarova
- Mika Myllyvirta
Mustafa Yuksel
- Norbert Répás
- Steen Manniche
Stefan Gustafsson
- Tomaz Cebular
[HALF accomplished] Sprint Review (Accomplishments):
- OpenNCP 1.1.1 code FREEZE
- OK 25 Feb, 13h CET
- OpenNCP 1.1.1 Release Candidate (QA)[notes here]
- Check Point 26 Feb, 09h00 CET
- OpenNCP 1.1.1 Release
- Aimed to 28Feb, 09h00 CET
[Postponed for 26Feb] Sprint Retrospective (Lessons Learned):
- What we did wrong?
- How can we improve
- Adopted actions
[Postponed for 26Feb] Sprint Planning (What's next):
- PAC Implementation[notes here]
- Licinio: After meeting with Milada, it was decided that the implementation should continue accordingly the proposed design (Solution A) in the wiki page:
- HCER Implementation
- "Konstantine Hypponen:
- We'll continue the work on HCER server part, and hope that semantic people will get HCER clarifications for the client part. I provided an example of what we should get from them. It's on the HCER wiki page.
- IMPEDIMENT: We need semantic clarifications on HCER client part, and HCER implementation of the client part cannot proceed before we receive them.
- MRO Specification
- ??
NEXT Steps
- [To Do - Marcelo Fonseca] Finnish the closing of issue in QA lane.
- [To Do - Gareth Woodham] Proceed with the Quality Assurance of the OpenNCP 1.1.1 Release Candidate
- [To Do - Licinio Mano] Share today meeting notes
- [To Do - Licinio Mano] Re-schedule tomorrow meeting, 26Feb 09h00 CET
- [To Do - Marcello Melgara] Organize a conference about HCER semantic clarifications;
, multiple selections available,