20130311 - Meeting minutes, Monday , Mar 11th, 2013

20130311 - Meeting minutes, Monday , Mar 11th, 2013

OpenNCP Sprint 'Review/Retrospective/Planning'
11 Mar 10:00 CET
Work RoadMap
1º Sprint: 28Jan > 8 Fev (2 weeks) > Completed
2º Sprint: 11Fev > 22Fev (2 weeks) > Completed
3º Sprint: 25Fev > 8Mar (2 weeks) > Completed
4º Sprint: 11Mar > 22Mar (2 weeks) > WE ARE HERE (<- both weeks, or perhaps just the last week could be the code freeze?)
- Release date: 25March (Monday) > OpenNCP 2.0.0
-- Release Notes
1. OpenNCP 1.1.1 Release - JoinUP
2. OpenNCP 2.0.0 - Implementation
3. OpenNCP Community related concerns 
Discussion1. OpenNCP 1.1.1 Release - delivered on JoinUP
  • SE: is using OpenNCP 1.1.1 for PPT; Sweden: eP/eD A & B
  • PT: is using OpenNCP 1.1.1 for PPT; Portugal: PS A & B
  • FI: is using OpenNCP 1.1.1 for PPT; Finland: eP/eD-B and A
  • (not in PPT) Malta: is using OpenNCP 1.1.1, Malta: PS A & B - Pre-Pat-Testing Projecthaton - Instanbul 
  • Spain ?? We don't have any contact;
  • Hungary ?? Wainting for Gegerly
HOT Fix - 1.1.2?
- New Branch is aready in place?
--- ACTION: talk to Steen in order to create the new Branch.
- Jira board: cleaning and review in order to clarify priorities
-- MAIN FOCUS: PPT blocking issues
2. OpenNCP 2.0.0 - Implementation
2.1 PAC
  • Nothing new
  • Declaration of a new role for Patient and a set of permissions in NCP-A part
  • Portal Configuration to use this role during HCP Assertion and TRCA
  • All other issues have been developed and pushed to develop branch
  • How to configure portal to use custom user fields
  • PAC: Define custom fields for user
[Marcello Melgara]
  • Clarify the specs for the new role for Patient and a set of permissions;
Involve Steen, regarding issue  - TM-33
2.2 HCER
IMPEDED by the need of "Clarifications"
  • Meeting request: Organize a conference about HCER semantic clarifications
  • TBC Meeting  - KT1.4.10 Tcon -  12March, 10h00 CET                                      
2.3 MRO
SUSPENDED by lack of resources
  • It will not be included in the OpenNCP 2.0.0.
3. OpenNCP Community related concerns
3.1 Lack of resources - for the next 3 weeks
  • 3rd PPT Slot - concerts and preparation;
  • Fewer PN involved in order to pilot epSOS 2 Services
3.2 Release date for OpenNCP 2.0.0 - 25 March
  • MAY not be accomplished, due to the lack of resources stated in the previous point.
  • It SHOULD focus on the PAC service.
  • HCER specifications should be clarified for the next sprint, for continue the development;
  • MRO specifications should be in place for start development - development is SUSPENDED for now;
3.3 Test tools for OpenNCP 2.0.0 - PAC Service
  • It has been communicated with Mustafa, as suggested: Communicate with IHE and Mustafa and/or epSOS TPM/PSB in order to plan the development of testing tools for epSOS 2.0 services.;
  • [MUSTAFA]  Said that he is pushing with the IHE Team, and it is hoped that tools  could will be available for the 4th PPT-Slot - after Istanbul;
NEXT Steps
- [To Do - OpenNCP Community] Continue Developments - Focused in the PAC service [Marcelo Fonseca (available); Kostas (available); Steen and Arnaud]
- [To Do - Marcello Melgara] Organize a conference about HCER semantic clarifications (and perhaps MRO, if possible); 
- [To Do - Licinio Mano] Prepare and publish today meeting minutes; 
- [To Do - Licinio Mano] Schedule Sprint 'Review/Retrospective/Planning' meeting - proposed date March 18, 2013, 10h00 CET