20130131 - Meeting minutes, Thursday, January 31th, 2013

20130131 - Meeting minutes, Thursday, January 31th, 2013

Scoping of sprints

In Jira, we have divided the sprint subjects into epics. Viewable at https://openncp.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa to the left.
User stories taken from the document D1.4.3 https://service.projectplace.com/pp/pp.cgi/r799082915
Further discussions are in the working of KT1.4.10. Document?
PT-179, PT-180 seems to have been dropped or at least given very low priority. 
The aim of the sprints until the 8th of February is to have "working software", where the definition of "working" here lies between the lower bound of having unittests that describes the intended behaviour of all the implemented classes, and the upper bound is having two NCPs communicating through the implemented services.
Detailed design of the implementation, regarding both user stories: 
- PAC: Patient access requesting the translation of a PS
- HCER Service for Patient Summary Extension
- MRO Service
Semantic component mini-Project - 
- Adaptation of TSAM Sync / LTR for PAC
- Configuration of HealthTerm for PAC service
- TM adaptation for PAC, HCER, MRO
- TSAM adaptation for PAC, HCER, MRO
- TSAM adaptation for CTS2 compliant 
Clarification on what both user stories should consider (requirements and specification)
- Agree with 3A: - Which data should be used for document exchange.
ESS ??  by TPM

Available resources

1º Sprint: 28Jan > 8 Feb (2 weeks)
2º Sprint: 11Feb > 22Feb (2 weeks)
3º Sprint: 29Feb > 8Mar (2 weeks)
Code Freeze, bug squashing: 11Mar > 22Mar (2 weeks) 
- PT:  2 almost-full-time: Marcelo & Ivo & Licínio (for all the sprints)
- DK: 1 almost-full-time: Steen (for all the sprints)
- SE: ?? waiting for Stefan to return
- Gnomon: 10 days util end of March, if needed more ManPower,  we will see
- FI: 50% of time to epSOS;
- EE: OpenNCP1.1 Support > middle of Feb
- CH: 10% 3 persons (mainly for code modification but not new implementation), testing of opencp is planning ;
- HU: 25% FTE > Requirement and Design clarifications 
- IT: ?? Mindaugas > Testing
- AT: ELGA can support with accompanying  activities, min. 25%

Strategy for handling support items in parallel with development

Selecting a subject for each sprint, and try to fit the user stories and their tasks into the sprints. If there is any time available besides these tasks, the bugs can be filled in.
An exemption from this policy could be to always prioritize "blocker" bugs. Of course they need to be evaluated by a core team member, to make sure that the "blocker" label is not just used 

Suggestion for creating a "OpenNCP" project in Confluence + Jira

Confluence: specification work, requirements discussions etc.
Jira: for epics, user stories, OpenNCP Versions (2.0.0 / 2.1.0 / ...)

TSAM Synchronizer

How to adapt the TSAM Synchronizer, in order to implement the PAC
Introduction of HCER PS implies the use of an extended document format, which changes should be made to the TSAM Sync in order to ensure that the extended doc format is fully supported data-wise.

Deliverable 3.B.2

Deliver 3.B.2.: enhance the document with: release notes, installation guide;
- 31Jan > Licinio > Re-arrange Jira OpenNCP Sprint Board and epics;
- 5Feb - 12h00 CET to 13h00 CET > Steen Leading > Status Point on Sprint Development
- 4Feb - ??h00 Arnaud Leading > Understand what is needed in orde to adpat the TSAM for epSOS2 Services
- 4Feb - Complete! Deliver 3.B.2.: enhance and review the document with: release notes, installation guide;