20130226 - Meeting minutes, tuesday , Feb 26th, 2013

20130226 - Meeting minutes, tuesday , Feb 26th, 2013

OpenNCP Release Management

26 Feb 13:00 CET

Work RoadMap

1º Sprint: 28Jan > 8 Fev (2 weeks) > Completed
2º Sprint: 11Fev > 22Fev (2 weeks) > Completed
3º Sprint: 25Fev > 8Mar (2 weeks) > WE ARE HERE
4º Sprint: 11Mar > 22Mar (2 weeks) (<- both weeks, or perhaps just the last week could be the code freeze?)
- Release date: 25March (Monday) > OpenNCP 2.0.0
-- Release Notes


A. OpenNCP 1.1.1 ReleaseCandidate - Confirm QA results



Component               New Version         
---------               -----------         
epsos-ws-server         2.0.1-SNAPSHOT 
client-connector        2.0.1-SNAPSHOT
openatna                1.2.1-SNAPSHOT    

Untested components
- TRC-STS    
- TSL-Sync
- TSAM-Sync

Summary of services tested
- XCPD QueryPatient         ok
- XCA QueryDocuments        ok
- XCA RetrieveDocument      not working
- XDR SubmitDocument        untested

<project.tsamVersion>1.1.1-SNAPSHOT</project.tsamVersion>       !! same as epsos 2.0
<project.tmVersion>1.1.1-SNAPSHOT</project.tmVersion>           !! same as epsos 2.0


- We may have had some problems from having the same version numbers in the release branch and the development branch. We will bump the patch level in all the development branches, and have Jenkins redeploy to joinup.
- Confirm green light to RELEASE
The decision to retest means that we are aiming at Friday as release day, and Gareth will send an email on the QA results thursday. We are booking a tentative meeting for Thursday, just in case.
B. Sprint Planning (3rd and last Sprint: 25Feb > 8Mar)
- Whether we should use the entire period 11Mar-22Mar as code freeze, or just the last one
We will have the period as a backup, with the optionality of using the first week 11.-16. to make sure that the sprint backlog is properly closed.
- PAC Implementation
--The implementation continues accordingly the proposed design (Solution A, as the first approach) in the wiki page. (https://openncp.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AwCy)
- HCER Implementation
Konstantin is waiting for additional information.
The section "CDA-related guidelines" has to be continued by semantic experts, with the focus on what fields must be edited, and what values for what fields to be taken from portal properties or elsewhere.
In addition, for testing HCER it would be good to have support for it added to IHE's XDStarClient or a similar tool.
Also the schematron/model based validation for HCER CDAs need to be developed.
IHE has to also make amendments to audit message validation rules, to add support for epSOS 2.0 event ids and names (adjustment to new XUA attributes).
- MRO Specification
Waiting for an official feedback from Marcello...?

NEXT Steps

- [To Do - Marcello Melgara] Organize a conference about HCER semantic clarifications (and perhaps MRO, if required);
- [To Do - Marcello Melgara] Communicate with IHE and Mustafa and/or epSOS TPM/PSB in order to plan the development of testing tools for epSOS 2.0 services.
- [To Do - Marcelo Fonseca] Perform the version adjustment and trigger overall build to allow testing;
- [To Do - Gareth Woodham] Test artifacts before release on Friday, 1;