20130220 - Meeting minutes, Wednesday , February 20th, 2013

20130220 - Meeting minutes, Wednesday , February 20th, 2013

OpenNCP / Sprint Weekly Meeting / Sprint 2 - epSOS 2 Services

2013-02-20 / 10h00 CET to 11h00 CET

OpenNCP2.0 Development RoadMap

1º Sprint: 28Jan > 8 Fev (2 weeks) > Completed
2º Sprint: 11Fev > 22Fev (2 weeks) > WE ARE HERE
3º Sprint: 29Fev > 8Mar (2 weeks)
4º Sprint: 11Mar > 22Mar (2 weeks) (<- both weeks, or perhaps just the last week could be the code freeze?)
- Release date: 25March (Monday) > OpenNCP 2.0.0
-- Release Notes

Today Agenda

  1. Sprint "Weekly" Progress Meeting


- Steen Manniche 
- Licinio Mano
- Fredrik Dahlman
- Konstantin Hyppönen
- Marcelo Fonseca
- Ivo Pinheiro 
- Kostas Karkaletsis
- Arnaud Gaudinat
- Gareth Woodham
- Giorgio Cangioli 
- Marcello Melgara
- Norbert Répás

Pre Meeting Minutes

MRO - Should go to OpenNCP 2.1.0


PAC Specifications & Implementation:

by Fonseca & Kostas
-- Giorgio questions:
- Will the current implementation be definitive? 
- We need to take in account that with the proposed implementation, the country need to instantiate both NCP-B and A;
-- FALSE: The epSOS PAC service may be used by other systems than the epSOS NCP. 
-- TRUE:  The epSOS PAC service SHOULD ONLY be used by epSOS NCP.
-- TRUE: The epSOS PAC service MUST be available regardless the epSOS PORTAL-B.
-- Try to understand with MILADA what ...???
-- Developments putted on hold until further instructions
-- A meeting will be arranged between Marcello Melgara, Milada, Giorgio, Arnaud, Kostas, Marcelo Fonseca, Norbert and others welcome to better clarify the implementation
Work DONE:
- KOSTAS: PAC Service Implementation
-- To go on We Need:
-- Better clarification on the solution to adopt:
---- Solution A: Re-use NCP-B and already implemented workflows;
---- Solution B: Implement service at the NCP-A;

HCER Specifications & Implementation:

by Konstantin &  Mika Myllyvirta
PT-193: IMPEDED by AA-32
AA-32: Agreed that both the develop (with OpenNCP 2.0) and "legacy" (with OpenNCP 1.x) branches are to be maintained. AA-32 changes to be committed to the develop branch.
-- To go on We Need:
-- Get comments for Semantic part from Milada and other semantic experts
-- Make restrictions on HCER contents (in current specs a lot of different sections with a lot of healthcare information is to be implemented on the UI level, comparable to real EHR UIs). Propose: reduce the number of sections and provide section-specific implementation details (UI instructions), with possibility to introduce other sections at a later time.

Continous Integration - Alternative to currently adopted CI Environment based on Portuguese Infrastructure

Presented by Fredrik http://www.cloudbees.com/

  • It can be useful to have an wiki page explaining the alternative.

NEXT Steps

- [To Do - Melgara]  Try to arrange with Milada (Prefered: 21st 13h30 CET)
- [To Do - Steen]  Share the Release  Plan - share a wiki page 
- [To Do - Licinio] OpenNCP 1.1.1 code FREEZE : Feb 25th in the morning;
- [To Do - Fredrik ] OpenNCP 1.1.1 code QA : Feb 25-26th  SW
- [To Do - Steen] OpenNCP 1.1.1 code RELEASE : Feb 28th: 
- [To Do - Community] CONSOLIDATE Specifications and Implementation Design of: PAC, HCER, MRO, Semantic Revision
- [To Do - Community] CONTINUE development (PAC, HCER)
- [To Do - Licinio] Schedule: Next Scrum Meeting: 25th Feb - 10h00 CET (project place)
- [To Do - Licinio] Schedule: Release Management: 26th Feb - 10h00 CET (project place)