20130211 - Meeting minutes, Monday, February 11st, 2013

20130211 - Meeting minutes, Monday, February 11st, 2013

OpenNCP / Sprint Planning Meeting / Sprint 2 - epSOS 2 Services

2013-02-11 / 10h00 CET

OpenNCP2.0 Development RoadMap

1º Sprint: 28Jan > 8 Fev (2 weeks) > Completed
2º Sprint: 11Fev > 22Fev (2 weeks)
3º Sprint: 29Fev > 8Mar (2 weeks)
4º Sprint: 11Mar > 22Mar (2 weeks) (<- both weeks, or perhaps just the last week could be the code freeze?)
- Release date: 25March (Monday) > OpenNCP 2.0.0
-- Release Notes

Today Agenda

1.Status of epsos2 - Sprint 1
2.Scoping of epsos2 – Sprint 2
3.Arnaud: short recap of the Semantic WG Tconf meeting held on Wednesday, February 6th. Minutes from that meeting can be found at: https://openncp.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=11665517


- Marcello Melgara
- Licinio Mano
- Fredrik Dahlman
- Gergely Héja
- Giorgio
- Konstantin Hyppönen
- Mika Myllyvirta
- Marcelo Fonseca
- Kostas
- Arnaud
- Steen Manniche

1. Status of epsos2 - Sprint 1 / Last Sprint Retrospective

- [Action needed] Looking for the Sprint Backlog there are a lot of issues raised during the sprint. That happens because we combine Support activities with Development activities.
- [Done] We can safely close the current sprint, and the issues will move to the next sprint automatically. The support issues scheduled for this sprint will move into the next sprint
- [Confirm with TPM target date] The 3rd PPT has not yet a fix date - previously target date - 25th Fev >
-- [Discover] beginning of March  - to confirm

- [INT-44] Version Management: How to manage Development and Support
-- The need for a strategy regarding Version Management imply an agreement regarding principles.
-- Steen create a release branch 1.1.1 today, putting all bug fixes into that. The develop branch will contain the epsos2 work
-- In that way, during today meeting some discussion has been made and now actions will be put in place. Follow in [INT-44]

- [IMPEDED] Sprint Review
-- Unfortunately  there is not a clear way on doing the review (e.g. demonstration of the DONE state from the issues release in this sprint)
-- We SHOULD move on and BELIEVE that things are DONE, and hope that some kind of Quality Assurance will be made during formal TESTING of the software components.

- [DONE] Sprint Retrospective
-- The sprint effort was mainly (75%) focus in the Bug Fixing tasks;
-- Regarding epSOS 2, there has been some work in Specifications clarification, but not in  Development
--- WARNING: keeping in mind tight schedules, we should focus the next sprint in CLOSE-Specification and Star

2. Scoping of epsos2 – Sprint 2 /New Print Planning

Continue the use case clarifications:
Fonseca: PAC
- [available]  https://openncp.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ODC/Patient+Access
- SubTasking is now needed for implementation operation
-- [ToDo] Subtasks will be increased and transformed into Jira subtasks

Kostas + Konstantin: HCER
- [available]  https://openncp.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ODC/HCER+Service+for+Patient+Summary+Extension
- Load subtask for Jira:

Steen: MRO
- [available] https://openncp.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ODC/Medication+Related+Overview
- [in progress] Next step: continue with Clarify-SPECS.
-- [stand by] SubTasking for DEVELOPMENT, MUST wait for more solid guidelines

3. Short recap of the Semantic WG Tconf meeting held on Wednesday,  February 6th


- Minutes from that meeting can be found at: https://openncp.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=11665517
- [action] Wiki page with clear perspective of what needs do be accomplish and what should be the implementation challenges.
-- [available] Steen will create the page: https://openncp.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ODC/Tranformation+Management+related+to+epsos2+services
-- [ToDo] Arnaud will load knowledge :)
-- [ToDo] Then, after challenges clarification, we will move to technically subtasking the EPIC.

NEXT Steps

- [done] Publish today meeting notes
- [OpenNCP Community] CLOSE epics (PAC, HCER, MRO, Semantic Revision) Specifications and Implementation Design
- [OpenNCP Community] Development SubTask for epics (PAC, HCER)
- [OpenNCP Community] START development (PAC, HCER)
- [done] Schedule: Next Scrum Meeting: 14th Fev - 10h00 CET (project place)

Konstantin Hyppönen: welcome back!!
Stefan Gustafsson: where are you? we miss you!
Fredrik Dahlman: your internet connection RULES, you should be nominated epSOS official skype hub ;)