20130821 - Meeting minutes, Thuesday, August 21st, 2013

20130821 - Meeting minutes, Thuesday, August 21st, 2013

OpenNCP Weekly Sprint Meeting

21th August 10:00 to 11:00  CET

Work RoadMap - epSOS 2 Services

1º Sprint: 28Jan > 8 Fev (2 weeks) > Completed
2º Sprint: 11Fev > 22Fev (2 weeks) > Completed
3º Sprint: 25Fev > 8Mar (2 weeks) > Completed
4º Sprint: 11Mar > 22Mar (2 weeks) Completed

5º Sprint: 25Mar > 8Apr (2 weeks) Completed 

6º Sprint: 22Apr> 3May (2 weeks) > Completed 

 7º Sprint: 6May> 17May (2 weeks)  > Completed

 8º Sprint: 20May> 31May (2 weeks)  > Completed

 9º Sprint: 3June> 14June (2 weeks)  > Completed

10º Sprint: 24June > 19July (4 weeks)  > in Progress

  • Release OpenNCP 2.0.1 > 31 July, 2013 (Wednesday) 6th August



1. OpenNCP Documetation

2. OpenNCP RoadMap

3. OpenNCP Support Issues



Skype (sirLicman) + Jira Board + MeetingWords (http://meetingwords.com/ouuEzsQhBK)


Aarne Roosi <Aarne.Roosi@affecto.com>, 
Alexander Berler <a.berler@gnomon.com.gr>, 
Arnaud Gaudinat <arnaud.gaudinat@hesge.ch>,
Belani Hrvoje <Hrvoje.Belani@hzzo.hr>,
Fredrik Dahlman <fredrik.dahlman@cag.se>,
[yes] Gareth Woodham <Gareth.Woodham@apotekensservice.se>, 
Gergely Heja <heja.gergely@eski.hu>,
Giorgio Cangioli <giorgio.cangioli@gmail.com>,
Ljubi Igor <Igor.Ljubi@hzzo.hr>,
[yes] Ivo Pinheiro <ivo.pinheiro@iuz.pt>, 
[yes] Konstantin Hypponen <konstantin.hypponen@kela.fi>, 
Kostas Karkaletsis <k.karkaletsis@gnomon.com.gr>, 
[yes] Licinio Mano <licinio.mano@iuz.pt>,
Marcello Melgara <Marcello.Melgara@cnt.lispa.it>,
Marcelo Fonseca <marcelo.fonseca@iuz.pt>, 
Mate Beštek <mate.bestek@gmail.com>,
Mika Myllyvirta <mika.myllyvirta@kela.fi>, 
Mindaugas Ajauskas <mindaugas.ajauskas@lispa.it>, 
[yes] Norbert Repas <norbert.repas@elga.gv.at>,
Patrick Ruch <Patrick.Ruch@unige.ch>,
[yes] Per Loubjerg <consult@loubjerg.dk>,
Tomaz Cebular <Tomaz.Cebular@ivz-rs.si>,
Steen Manniche <STMA@ssi.dk>, 
Stéphane Spahni <stephane.spahni@hcuge.ch>,




1. OpenNCP Documetation

 Request for content about epSOS OpenNCP for website & presentations (Kathrin - 19Ago)

        - Are there any documents with text I can reuse? any suggestions? any volunteers for initial drafting the text or review it?
        -- D3.B.2_App_A1_OSS_NCPDesign_V0.9_AR.docx >  - Open Source NCP Design (D3-4.B.2_App_A1_OSS_NCPDesign_V0.9-RC5.docx)
        -- NCP OS implementation v0.9-mustafa-wp3.b.docx
        -- Installation Manual 
        -- epSOS-OpenNCP-IWEEE_20130125.pptx
        - Installation Manual (transform in Overview) > Gareth (review by Norbert)
        - OpenNCP Community and Artefacts > Inicial draft > LKM (reviewers Per and Konstantin)
        30-8 / 8 working days;
        epSOS Glossary
             OpenNCP (official definition) - epSOS NCP software publicly available under Open Source licensing; 
             OpenNCP Community (official definition) - Open group of people orchestrated by an agile software development methodology conducting effort on designing, coding, testing and delivering OpenNCP software;
            ToDo: LKM share this definitions with Kathrin

2. OpenNCP RoadMap

        TPM Shared RoadMap and resource effort allocation >> https://service.projectplace.com/pp/pp.cgi/r908758673
  • UPDATED with today meeting information (Release Dates + HR Availability)
         THERE IS NO AGREEMENT ON THE MANDATORY RECOMMENDATION ABOUT go under a  new PPT slot if you do a bum between V1 to V2 from the OpenNCP;
        - Inform the TPM that there are countries that informed they don't have availability for participating in another PPT;
        - Those countries also state that changes are not so significant, namely in the eP/eD scenario.
        2.0.2 Will there be one? What will Include? When can be released? For what purpose?
         - Transformation Manager UPDATE
         - Bug Fix
            - https://openncp.atlassian.net/browse/OP-10 - most likely fixed by the end of the week
            - Others BLOCKER, CRITICAL and MAJOR issues;
        - Release date 2013-09-11
        2.1.0 What can be included? When can be released?
            - MRO (Medication Related Overview)
            - TSAM-sync adaptation for CTS2 compliance
                - Testing strategy: how can we test this component without a server or a validation service on that?
            - Bug Fix  BLOCKER, CRITICAL and MAJOR issues;
        - Release date 2013-10-30

3. OpenNCP Support Issues

        Open ISSUES on the Support board > https://openncp.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=2


NEXT Steps

  •     Next meeting - 26th 11hCET