20131022 - Meeting minutes, Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013
20131022 - Meeting minutes, Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013
OpenNCP Weekly Sprint Meeting
22nd October 10:00 to 12:00 CET
Work RoadMap - epSOS 2 Services
1º Sprint: 28Jan > 8 Fev (2 weeks) > Completed
2º Sprint: 11Fev > 22Fev (2 weeks) > Completed
3º Sprint: 25Fev > 8Mar (2 weeks) > Completed
4º Sprint: 11Mar > 22Mar (2 weeks) Completed
5º Sprint: 25Mar > 8Apr (2 weeks) Completed
6º Sprint: 22Apr> 3May (2 weeks) > Completed
7º Sprint: 6May> 17May (2 weeks) > Completed
8º Sprint: 20May> 31May (2 weeks) > Completed
9º Sprint: 3June> 14June (2 weeks) > Completed
10º Sprint: 24June > 19July (4 weeks) > Completed
- Release OpenNCP 2.0.1 >
31 July, 2013 (Wednesday)6th August - Release OpenNCP V2.0.2 > 2013-09-12 Transformation Manager + Emergency Scenario + Bug Fixing
5ª PPT [in progress]
11º Sprint: 15Oct > 28Oct (2 weeks)
??ª PPT
- Sprint Accomplishments - so far;
- Impediments - to clean
- Re-focus work for this week
- Skype (marcelo.fonseca.iuz) + Jira Board + MeetingWords ()
- Development Board: https://openncp.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=1
Today's Meeting Participants:
Members List:
Aarne Roosi <Aarne.Roosi@affecto.com>,
Alexander Berler <a.berler@gnomon.com.gr>,
Anders Nyström <Anders.Nystrom@apotekensservice.se>,
Arnaud Gaudinat <arnaud.gaudinat@hesge.ch>,
Belani Hrvoje <Hrvoje.Belani@hzzo.hr>,
Gareth Woodham <Gareth.Woodham@apotekensservice.se>,
Gergely Heja <heja.gergely@eski.hu>,
Giorgio Cangioli <giorgio.cangioli@gmail.com>,
Ljubi Igor <Igor.Ljubi@hzzo.hr>,
Ivo Pinheiro <ivo.pinheiro@iuz.pt>,
Juergen Wehnert <juergen.wehnert@gematik.de>,
Konstantin Hypponen <konstantin.hypponen@kela.fi>,
Oskari Kettinen <oskari.kettinen@kela.fi>,
Jussi Lemmetty <jussi.lemmetty@kela.fi>,
Kostas Karkaletsis <k.karkaletsis@gnomon.com.gr>,
Licinio Mano <licinio.mano@iuz.pt>,
Maarten Festen <maarten.festen@ihe-europe.net>
Marcello Melgara <Marcello.Melgara@cnt.lispa.it>,
[Yes] Marcelo Fonseca <marcelo.fonseca@iuz.pt>,
Mate Beštek <mate.bestek@gmail.com>,
Milada Kovarova <Milada.Kovarova@posam.sk>,
Mika Myllyvirta <mika.myllyvirta@kela.fi>,
Mindaugas Ajauskas <mindaugas.ajauskas@lispa.it>,
Norbert Repas <norbert.repas@elga.gv.at>,
Patrick Ruch <Patrick.Ruch@unige.ch>,
Per Loubjerg <consult@loubjerg.dk>,
Tomaz Cebular <Tomaz.Cebular@ivz-rs.si>,
Steen Manniche <steen@manniche.net>,
Stefan Gustafsson <stefan.gustafsson@callistaenterprise.se>,
Stéphane Spahni <stephane.spahni@hcuge.ch>,
Annika Sonne Hansen <ash@carecom.eu>,
a) 5º PPT slot - retrospective and lessons learned
-- What is the current status?
-- Should we move forward with the release of OpenNCP 2.0.3? Any impedments?
b) Development Sprint Progress Monitoring
-- What is the current status? Any impedments?
-- How far are we distant from the desired goal?
c) Brief notes from F2F Meeting
CTS2 will not be implemented;
Nex sprint focus will be in CI improvement;
- [MF] next meeting > 29Oct > 12h00 CET > Sprint Review, Retrospective and Planning
- [IP] OpenNCP 2.0.3 Release > Reschedule for 23 October, after confirmation on TConf if no impediments found
- [MF] Missing task regarding the Audit messages, that probably could be similar to the PS with different identifiers > Ask or digging the documentation? > Let's start by reading any available documentation;
- [IP] Assess conditions for OpenNCP 2.0.3 Release, and in case of "all green" > proceed with the release.
, multiple selections available,