20151103 - Meeting minutes, Tuesday, November 3rd, 2015 - OpenNCP Community meeting (BiWeekly)

20151103 - Meeting minutes, Tuesday, November 3rd, 2015 - OpenNCP Community meeting (BiWeekly)

OpenNCP Community meeting (BiWeekly)


Estimated - 13:00 to 14:00 CET

Performed - 13:00 to 14:30 CET


0. Housekeeping


2. Support Board

3. New Developments

4. Installation & Installation Manual

5. New members (Sweden)

6. EXPANDathon

7. AOB and Next Meetings




- Wiki+ WorkBench + AdobeConnect


Today's Meeting Participants:

Rui Alves (Unlicensed)

Joao Cunha

Alexandre Santos

Markus (Unlicensed)



Marco Bernardini

@Yacoubou Waolany

Stefan Nildén

Isabel Cruz

Marcello Melgara


Invited Members List:

Heiko Zimmermann

Lisa Hagberg

Igor Ljubi (Unlicensed)

Ioannis Petrakis

Stéphane Spahni

@Karima Bourquard 

Licinio Kustra Mano

Kostas Karkaletsis

Thomas Fleischmann 

Natasha Carl

@Gwenaelle Quivy

Alen Vrecko (Unlicensed)

@Tomaz Cebular 

@Robert Scharinger

Alexander Berler (Unlicensed) 

Marko Peric

Massimiliano Masi 

Steen Manniche 

Konstantin Hyppönen 

Marcelo Fonseca 

Gottfried Heider (Unlicensed) 

Ivo Pinheiro 

Jürgen Wehnert 

@Dimitrios G. Katehakis

Olaf Rode (Unlicensed) 

@Agius Muscat Hugo

Kenn Nielsen (Unlicensed) 

Soeren Bittins 

Gareth Woodham 

Fredrik Linden (Unlicensed)

Samuel Danhardt (Unlicensed) 

Giorgio Cangioli

Jussi Lemmetty (Unlicensed) 

Aarne Roosi (Unlicensed)

Arnaud Gaudinat (Unlicensed) 

Hrvoje Belani (Unlicensed)

Héja Gergely (Unlicensed) 

Oskari Kettinen (Unlicensed)

Maarten Festen (Unlicensed)

Mate Beštek (Unlicensed) 

@Norbert Repas

@Patrick Ruch

@Catherine Chronaki

@Matic Meglic

@Merik Seven

@João Francisco Marques

@Philippe Loopuyt 


Stathis Andronikos (Unlicensed)

@Luca Pagliara

Ortwin Donak


OpenNCP Community Governance: 

  • From Jan. 2015 to Dec. 2015;
    • Nominated OpenNCP Committees: https://openncp.atlassian.net/wiki/x/DYANAg
    • Scope OpenNCP in EXPAND
      1. Take the OpenNCP to the next version;
      2. Assist and resolve any support issues that may arise;
      3. Handover to (DG-SANTÉ) for long term sustainability organisation;



0. House Keeping

  • michele.foucart: Checked internally about Data Protection in the meeting minutes: We should not mention the people not present... 

Rui Alves (Unlicensed): We should check this point later with more members from the Community.

  • Rui Alves (Unlicensed): Mailing Lists - we are assessing the possibility of adopting an e-mail Tool that allows the creation and management of Mailing Lists (e.g: one for the Steering Committee, one for Tech Committee, one for Developers...)
    • One of the possibilities is MailChimp.
    • We should discuss this with the EC-Team (possibibly later with Markus) to see the EC vision about this.




  • Steering committee
    • No further information
  • Technical Committee:
    • No further information
  • Expectations from participating in OpenNCP Community from: HR, AT, SI, allowing them to share there expectations and goals with the participation at the OpenNCP Community;
    • Schedule for September - postponed for next meeting since no representative is present today.
    • Igor Ljubi (Unlicensed) from HR was present but not asked directly about it: the info is that HR will be in Lisbon on December for the Expandathon

2. SUPPORT BOARD (https://openncp.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=2)

- Null Pointer Exception when createing new TSL file

https://openncp.atlassian.net/projects/TSLED/issues/TSLED-6 (Marco/Michele)

  • Marco Bernardini: We need to test, because it's fixed for me...
    • We discovered a new issue on uploading in FTP but it's fixes as well.
    • I will send the link later.
  • Alexandre Santos: Did you pull the new developments in the branch?
  • Marco Bernardini: No, I wanted to someone to test.
    • I didn't pull anything yet.


Alexandre Santos: Any news on the upload of epsos util with proxy configuration.

  • S: I sent an e-mail to Kostas
  • We could discuss about this by e-mail: 

This should go on the next release.




3.1 Testing of the new congfiguration service (from the Commission) (EC)

  • Markus (Unlicensed): DIGIT.. We made test on TSL uploading
  • @yacou:
  • All tests are successful
  • We request DIGIT to create users, and then we can send login and private key to upload TSL
  • In parallel we have this document with which info to type and how to use it.
  • We are waiting for public webserver to public person.
    • We have PT, GR, LUX, CH - most active ones.

Rui Alves (Unlicensed): PT Team is able to test this even this week -


3.2 CDA Display Tool Update

  • Documentation available: 
    • michele.foucartMarcello Melgara and Giorgio Cangioli sent documentation about the change request.
    • Marco Bernardini will have a look at it
    • Alexandre Santos: There is an OpenNCP repository on Bitbucket: CDA Display Tool - Developed by GNOMON - KOSTAS
      • CDA Transformer, not an official one from HL7
    • Maybe Marco Bernardini can clone that and see what's in there... 
    • Markus (Unlicensed)Kostas Karkaletsis could gave us an insight first, otherwise it will be hard. But Marco Bernardini is available.
    • Alexandre Santos: We don't have much certainty if he will come in time or not for this new version.
    • Markus (Unlicensed)Marco Bernardini can send him an e-mail requesting assistance and start the analysis of this.
      Marcello Melgara:
      • There is a call on the Gazelle to check the generated CDA is correct.
      • Gazelle tool will test against new specs, so we have to ensure that OpenNCP is ready.
      • Need to check with IHE - Eric Poiseau.
    • Alexandre Santos: CDA Display Tool displays the epSOS Friendly from NCP and displays in the Portal.
    • Marcello Melgara: The semantic transf in NCP is mapping of terms.
      • TSAM and Transf manager add translations and add mappings. I dont believe we'll need to change the Transformation... Perhaps the XML file...
      • Semantic Chain description...
      • Double-Check this.
        • epSOS Friendly complieant w/new spec
      • We need to validate if this XML file needs to be changed.
      • CDA Display Tool (last element in the chain), has to be updated or not...
      • The CDA Display Tool Update - Needs to be checked if changes are needed.
      • We must be sure all the changes are being included.
    • Markus (Unlicensed): Add Marco Bernardini in CC to communications to Kostas Karkaletsis.
    • Marcello Melgara: we received mail from Kostas Karkaletsis: he may be available.
    • FORMAL REQUEST: Table with Change Requests - What 
    • Everytime we arrange a meeting in the OpenNCP - add it the EXPAND Calendar in ProjectPlace.


3.3 Non-Repudiation

New developments:

Markus (Unlicensed): EC Team - Jerome is working on this.

Rui Alves (Unlicensed): Let's wait for the meeting from Tech Committee - Heiko Zimmermann will arrange it...


3.4 eID

Marcello Melgara: New version of LAM with IT card issue fixed.

Alexandre Santos: Will test this afternoon with the IT card and send feedback.

Marcello Melgara: Did you received new components from e-SENS?

Alexandre Santos: Yes



Joao Cunha: EXPAND Sepc Main Shop: Me, Masi, Alex and Karima agreed on performing 2 tests

1) Transf to SMP files

2) Uploading SMP files to SMP server using jar file.

  • We requested a user with the right permissions to Jerry (University Pireus) to make these operations
  • Have it ready this week, next week add the put functionality to 
  • We will have these two functionalities into the next release in time for EXPANDATHON!

  • For now, I need help from Masi and I can approach him, so no need for meetings. For the jar, let's see how difficult will it be.


4. Installation & Installation Manual

- https://openncp.atlassian.net/browse/OPENNCP-71

- New comments from Marco Bernardini on the Installation Manual - reviewed

- Test script Pithon: Marco Bernardini has written a script in Python to automate the installation.


michele.foucartMarco Bernardini provided new comments to the Installation Manual.

Rui Alves (Unlicensed): We need to reflect the changes in the Manual.

Marco Bernardini: Created a Python script... It extracts, gets the latest version of maven and jars... It's only a single point of confir... Users just need to change a small ini file...

    • It is working but needs tests!
    • The goal is now to try to pack it with some activities... for users to not have stange python libs... like exe for unix machines.
    • Hopefully next week.
    • To test it: I can provide the script and 
    • michele.foucart: It also works with updates... Not only for the first installation.
    • We should try an test it for EXPANDAthon. 
    • OPTION: Maybe Swe can test it?

5. New members (Sweden)

- Welcome Stefan Nildén!

- Expectations

Update their NCP or make a fresh install using the new manual or testing the script from Marco Bernardini;

Be present in the EXPAND event in December, as observers at least...

6. EXPANDathon

6.1 EXPANDATHON - Licinio Kustra Mano:  -  

Key page in Gazelle: http://gazelle.ihe.net/content/expandathon-lisbon-december-2015

    • IHE Event focused on C-B Health care services (PS/eP) - alike the epSOS Projectathons
    • IHE Event to test connectivity and performance between members
    • Interoperability Tests (Conformance) and End2End Tests - we would like to have physicians (doctors) 
    • All the countries willing to participate - inform EXPAND or inform us here - NO FEES

Goal: Not only test, but help countries gathering evidencies for the CEF Call - How ready am I for applying to CEF?

Licinio Kustra Mano and Markus (Unlicensed): From the Steering Commitee: Two new goals arised for this event:

      • Close the testing stage of these two CS.
      • F2F Discussion on the findings from EC Security Tests


6.2 Key dates (extracted from one of the EXPAND's mail about the event):

    • EXPANDATHON registration: 
      • Beginning : 01/11
      • End : 15/11
    • Pre testing phasing : 
      • Beginning : 16/11
      • End : 04/12
    • Expandathon : 
      • from 9 to 11 December
    • Webinars for participants : 
      • 02/11 :Support for the system registration
      • 16/11 :Support for the preparation of the Pre tests
      • 04/12 : demonstration and information on the testing session


6.3 Participating Nations & use-cases:

    • LUXHeiko Zimmermann: We have not registered yet. But for sure we will be present
    • DG-SANTÉmichele.foucart: We will also participate. Yacou and Jerome will probably be present, Yacou as monitor and Jerome as tester.
    • HR will be in Lisbon for EXPANDathon (confirmed by Igor Ljubi (Unlicensed) in previous meetings)
    • SWE will join as well  - eP - check who to test with.
    • PT will be there (PS A/B).
    • IT PS A and B and maybe eP
    • GR probably will be there - needs confirmation!
    • CH ??


7. AOB & Next Meetings:

Isabel Cruz: CI Service.- Check if everything is ok for shutting it down

michele.foucart: latest news I had is that it's working. I will double confirm with S.

Marcello Melgara: We need to decide to upgrade or install directly in your systems. 



OpenNCP Calendar: