20160229 - Meeting minutes, Monday, February 29th, 2016 - OpenNCP Community meeting (BiWeekly)
20160229 - Meeting minutes, Monday, February 29th, 2016 - OpenNCP Community meeting (BiWeekly)
OpenNCP Community meeting (BiWeekly)
Estimated - 13:00 to 14:00 CET
Performed - 13:05 to 13:45
- Housekeeping
- eHOMB 19/02
- OpenNCP Steering Committee
- Steering Committee 26/02
- Participation Connectathon 11-15/04 - Deadline registration 2/3 5 pm CET
- Terminologies synchronization problems(Joao Cunha)
- Issues back-log (S)
- Status task forces:
- SMP/SML - Open question, cache mechanism
- Security, relaxations
- Status security fixes epSOS web, Liferay
- Security release?
- Identity assertions - Update deliverable
- Change process + Change proposal template: 20160201 - Meeting minutes, Monday, February 1rst, 2016 - OpenNCP Community meeting (BiWeekly)
- Update wikipage with certificate creation + update scripts
- Update installation manual (SHA-2 instead of SHA)
- Access control component
- Next steps: continue the analysis on workflow manager + digital signature
- Terminology server
- Migration Continuous Integration tools to CEF digital platform
- eID update
- Next meetings
Room Passcode: markus.kalliola or Licinio Kustra Mano
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Today's Meeting Participants:
- Housekeeping
- eHOMB 19/02
- Main topics:
- Feedback eHMSEG
- Audit
- Status report or the OpenNCP activities
- Licinio Kustra Mano: How do we relate to Member States, the release map and how it will influence our technological roadmap => Need to align OpenNCP decisions with eHOMB
- Main topics:
- OpenNCP Steering Committee 26/02
- Discussion on resources (JASeHN, Portugal...not yet discussed about MS resources)
- Licinio Kustra Mano:
- Resources is our main concern. Resources may also come from MS (generic services), from January 2017. in the meantime: where the financial support comes? => may join the eHealth pilot in eSENS
- PT assures its participation and support
- Licinio Kustra Mano:
- Connectathon
- eID vision 2016 - 2017?
- Discussion on resources (JASeHN, Portugal...not yet discussed about MS resources)
- Participation Connectathon 11-15/04 - Deadline registration 2/3 5 pm CET
- Costs:
- EC will cover the system fee
- MS will have to cover the other costs:badges (including lunch, coffees etc.) ...
- Testing the latest version of OpenNCP + conformance testing eID
- Everything is in the Gazelle tool, but not in the testing catalogue. Massimiliano Masi: tests were done but at the last
- Massimiliano Masi Ask to IHE to enable registration for the tests => Licinio will contact IHE to confirm
- Requirement to go: min 4 countries!
- Portugal will attend for sure (to test eID & the version 2.4.0 + test the ePrescription workflow and doc scrutiny as country A
- Costs:
- Terminologies synchronization problems (Joao Cunha)
- Authentication problem in TSAM Sync, synchro problem with Carecom
- Joao Cunha contacted Carecom - Carecom support channel
- Problem was raised by Croatia
- Which channel should we use & who will contact? From a governance point of view since (Joao is not part of the terminology task force)
- Contract is valid until end of March => The legal entity who has signed the contract should contact Carecom
- Licinio Kustra Mano could as OpenNCP Steering board - Steering or task force?
- In the short term Licinio Kustra Mano will contact Carecom
- markus.kalliola: the task force has a scope which does not cover the current operational topics
- Licinio Kustra Mano could as OpenNCP Steering board - Steering or task force?
- michele.foucart: Governance issue TS to be discussed in Steering Committee, with regards to operational issues with the current TS.
- Contract is valid until end of March => The legal entity who has signed the contract should contact Carecom
- Issues back-log (S)
- We started to clean the issues. Some issues are assigned to people and need to be reassigned
- S is taking care of this task
- We will spend 30 min in the next Technical Committee to go through all the issues, to update, clean + priority
- Organized in EPIC, especially an EPIC for secu/perf
- Kostas Karkaletsis: suggestion to distinguish the 2 EPICs + made some comments. We can contact him if questions
- We started to clean the issues. Some issues are assigned to people and need to be reassigned
- Status task forces
- SMP/SML - Open questions (page created on the wiki with the analysis), we need input from Marcello
- Secure node: question to ask to Marcello if DB is mandatory
- Cache mechanism linked to SMP/SML + improvement of the configuration => To be decided in Technical Commitee
- Security, relaxations
- Status security fixes epSOS web, Liferay - We will run the tests this week
- Identity assertions - Update deliverable
- Change proposal process
- Proposed process:
- Send the change proposal to the functional mailbox SANTE-EHEALTH-DSI@ec.europa.eu
- The solution provider (EC) analizes the proposal
- eventually ask further details/questions to the requester.
- consult OpenNCP Steering Committee
- The solution provider submits the change proposal to eHOMB for final decision
- Change proposal template: 20160201 - Meeting minutes, Monday, February 1rst, 2016 - OpenNCP Community meeting (BiWeekly)
- Proposed process:
- Change proposal process
- Next steps: continue the analysis on workflow manager + digital signature
- Terminology server
- We'll start to reproduce today's situation from a functional perspective
- Plug the TS on the new infrastructure: from Tomcat mysql to weblogic Oracle
- GAP data model
- Management of the different code systems, organizational and technical aspects- bus/tech
- Migration Continuous Integration tools to CEF digital platform
- SMP/SML - Open questions (page created on the wiki with the analysis), we need input from Marcello
- eID update
- Level 2 is closed and available for testing in Connectathon
- Starting the planning of level 3 integration
- Please consult the meeting minutes for more details: https://openncp.atlassian.net/wiki/x/FoCSB
- eID update
- Next meeting
- OpenNCP Technical Committee meeting 1PM CET
- Next bi-weekly