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SonarQube is an open platform to manage code quality. As such, it covers the 7 axes of code quality http://www.sonarqube.org/wp-content/themes/sonar/images/7axes.png You can use it in your maven projects by adding the sonar plugin to pom.xml   <plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>sonar-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.3</version> </plugin>   and by adding these properties to pom.xml (an instance of sonar server is already setup)   <sonar.jdbc.url>jdbc:mysql://</sonar.jdbc.url>…
The new OpenNCP Release Version 2.2.0-RC3 has been uploaded to joinup. This release mostly contains hot fixes from issues found during latest projectathon and some developments in openstork authentication plugin. You can find more information about this release on the following page: 2.2.0-RC3 Release Changelog and Notes +++++++++++++++++++ More References:  - Download Artifacts from: https://joinup.ec.europa.…
The steps you have to follow in order to install the portlet for the trillium use case are the following Download the openncp portal from https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/nexus/service/local/repo_groups/public/content/eu/europa/ec/joinup/ecc/openncp-portal/2.1.1-SNAPSHOT/openncp-portal-2.1.1-20140423.125149-6.war https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/nexus/service/local/repo_groups/public/content/eu/europa/ec/joinup/ecc/openncp-portal/2.1.1-SNAPSHOT/openncp-portal-2.1.1-20140423.125149-6.…

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