OpenNCP meeting invitation privacy statement

OpenNCP meeting invitation privacy statement

Personal data related to meeting invitation will be processed under the responsibility of the Head of Unit "SANTE A4", European Commission's Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety, in accordance with Regulation (EC) n° 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data.

The purpose of the processing is the management of the meeting, including management of: lists and mailings-lists for contacts, invitations, participants, distribution of reports, follow-up meetings and actions, news and publications; photographs/pictures, presentations, live web streaming and/or audio of participants; publication on the internet/intranet.

Personal data collected and further processed are:

  • Data necessary for the organisation and management of the meeting, such as name and surname.
  • Photographs/pictures, presentations, live webstreaming and/or audio of speakers and participants.

Access to all personal data information collected in the context of this meeting is granted through UserID/Password to a defined population of users, without prejudice to a possible transmission to the bodies in charge of a monitoring or inspection task in accordance with Community legislation. These users typically are typically the participants of the meeting which are mainly members of the open source community. Though, name/surname of the participants to the meeting is displayed in the meeting minutes which are public. 

Pictures, presentations, live webstreaming and/or audio of speakers, participants and organisers will be made available freely on the internet in the framework of European Commission activities. If you do not agree with this publication of your personal data, please opt-out where required or inform us using the Contact Information mentioned in the invitation letter and explicitly specifying your request.

Your personal data will also be part of a list of contact details shared internally amongst the Commission services for the purpose of contacting data subjects in the future in the context of the Commission's activities. If you do not agree with this, please contact us using the Contact Information mentioned in the invitation letter (SANTE-EHEALTH-DSI@ec.europa.eu) and explicitly specifying your request.

Recourse: Complaints, in case of conflict, can be addressed to the European Data Protection Supervisor.


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