OpenATNA Home
Steen Manniche
Joao Cunha
Kostas Karkaletsis
Mika Myllyvirta (Unlicensed)
This is the home of the OpenATNA space.
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Recent updates
OpenNCP Community HomeOct 27, 2016 • contributed by S
OpenNCP Installation Manual (deprecated, since 2015-10-29)Oct 07, 2016 • commented by S
OpenNCP Installation Manual (deprecated, since 2015-10-29)Oct 07, 2016 • commented by Joao Cunha
OpenNCP Installation Manual (deprecated, since 2015-10-29)Oct 07, 2016 • commented by S
OpenNCP Installation Manual (deprecated, since 2015-10-29)Oct 07, 2016 • commented by S
OpenNCP Installation Manual (deprecated, since 2015-10-29)Oct 07, 2016 • commented by Joao Cunha
OpenNCP Installation Manual (deprecated, since 2015-10-29)Oct 07, 2016 • commented by Stefan Nildén
20161004 - [draft]Meeting minutes, Tuesday, October 4th, 2016 - OpenNCP Community meeting (BiWeekly)Oct 07, 2016 • commented by Stefan Nildén
OpenNCP Installation Manual (deprecated, since 2015-10-29)Oct 06, 2016 • commented by S
20150618 - Meeting minutes, Thursday, June 18th, 2015 - OpenNCP - Release Management - Knowledge TransferOct 06, 2016 • contributed by michele.foucart
20150709 - Meeting minutes, Thursday, July 9th, 2015 - OpenNCP - Installation Manual ConsolidationOct 06, 2016 • contributed by michele.foucart
20150720 - Meeting minutes, Monday, July 20th, 2015 - OpenNCP - Release Management - Knowledge TransferOct 06, 2016 • contributed by michele.foucart
20150731 - Meeting minutes, Friday, July 31th, 2015 - OpenNCP - Continuous IntegrationOct 06, 2016 • contributed by michele.foucart
20151103 - Meeting minutes, Tuesday, November 3rd, 2015 - OpenNCP Community meeting (BiWeekly)Oct 06, 2016 • contributed by michele.foucart
20160229 - Meeting minutes, Monday, February 29th, 2016 - OpenNCP Community meeting (BiWeekly)Oct 06, 2016 • contributed by michele.foucart
Installing OpenATNA
Step 1. Setting up mysql users and db
Create a user with username 'openatna' and host 'localhost' identified by pass 'openatna'*
mysql -u root -p create user 'openatna'@'localhost' identified by 'openatna';
Create new db with name 'openatna'*
create database openatna default character set = utf8;
Granting all priviledges to user 'openatna' on 'openatna' db*
grant all on openatna.* to 'openatna'@'localhost' identified by 'openatna';
Important - After deploying OpenATNA, please check if your 'messages' table has a field 'messageContent' with type 'blob' and allows 'NULL'. If not, you have to run this script in order to have the messages displayer in OpenATNA Viewer:
alter messages change messageContent messageContent blob null;
Step 2. Building openatna component
Checking out the openatna component source using git URI:
Building openatna using maven
cd /path/to/openatna/folder mvn clean install (-P all|service|web)
The compiled WAR archive (in folder openatna/web/target/epsos-openatna-all.war) contains OpenATNA service and Log Viewer. It is also possible to compile a war which has only the other component. The profiles that can be used are: all (default), service and web. The compiled war with all-profile has both OpenATNA service and OpenATNA Log Viewer; if compiled with profile service, the war contains only the OpenATNA Service; if compiled with profile web, the war contains only the Log Viewer.
Step 3. Configuration
Modifying actors properties within file /opt/openncp/openatna/
# IHE actor configuration directory ihe.actors.dir=/opt/openncp/openatna/conf ihe.actors.file=IheActors.xml Modifying mysql properties within file /opt/openncp/openatna/ {code} # mySQL 5 hib.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect db.driver.class=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver db.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost/openatna?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8 db.username=openatna db.password=openatna
OpenATNA uses property with name scheduled.time.between.failed.logs.handling.minutes in ConfigurationManager database to define the interval in which OpenATNA checks if some audit log was not persisted. In case these logs are found, they will be attempted to re-persist. The default value is 60 (minutes).
Step 4. Installing the certificates into OpenATNA server
Firstly modify the file /opt/openncp/openatna/conf/ArrConnections.xml
<HostName>IP_ADDRESS</HostName> <Port>2862</Port> <!-- Trust and Keystore --> <KeyStore>/opt/openncp/certs/service-provider-keystore.jks</KeyStore> <KeyPass>password</KeyPass> <TrustStore>/opt/openncp/certs/service-consumer-keystore.jks</TrustStore> <TrustPass>password</TrustPass>
Step 5. Deploying OpenATNA
Deploy the compiled WAR archive on Tomcat server and OpenATNA AuditService and logViewer should be running.
Configure epsos properties to write test audits
TEST_AUDITS_PATH=<path to be extracted the audits>
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