Development Workflow

Development Workflow

New Feature 

 Every change on openNCP source code (new feature or bug fix) should be done according the next work flow:

  1. Create JIRA issue for the new feature
  2. Create local feature branch off the "develop" branch (according to gitflow model)
  3. Build the new feature; design and implement
  4. When finished, merge new feature into local "develop" branch (most convenient to use gitflow commands for this)
  5. Don't forgot to mention issue ID in the commit
  6. Close feature branch
  7. Push changes into origin repository (Google Code)
  8. Announce development in Google Code Wiki - project specific page
  9. Close JIRA feature (issue)
    1.  If  it was created by someone else, mark as ‘Resolved’
  10. Update ProjectPlace Actions section.

Bug Fix


  1. Create a new issue on JIRA to report the problem; don't send e-mails
  2. After someone reported it as 'Resolved'
    1. Validate the development
    2. Close the issue


  1. Do the work in a "feature" branch, "hotfix" branch or "develop" depending on urgency and project phase (refer to gitflow process)
  2. Implement the bug fix
  3. Commit the changes to your local repository
  4. Don't forgot to mention issue ID in the commit
  5. Push changes to origin (Google Code)
  6. Announce the bug fix in google code Wiki - project specific page
  7. Mark JIRA issue as ‘Resolved’