Development Workflow
Development Workflow
New Feature
Every change on openNCP source code (new feature or bug fix) should be done according the next work flow:
- Create JIRA issue for the new feature
- Create local feature branch off the "develop" branch (according to gitflow model)
- Build the new feature; design and implement
- When finished, merge new feature into local "develop" branch (most convenient to use gitflow commands for this)
- Don't forgot to mention issue ID in the commit
- Close feature branch
- Push changes into origin repository (Google Code)
- Announce development in Google Code Wiki - project specific page
- Close JIRA feature (issue)
- If it was created by someone else, mark as ‘Resolved’
- Update ProjectPlace Actions section.
Bug Fix
- Create a new issue on JIRA to report the problem; don't send e-mails
- After someone reported it as 'Resolved'
- Validate the development
- Close the issue
- Do the work in a "feature" branch, "hotfix" branch or "develop" depending on urgency and project phase (refer to gitflow process)
- Implement the bug fix
- Commit the changes to your local repository
- Don't forgot to mention issue ID in the commit
- Push changes to origin (Google Code)
- Announce the bug fix in google code Wiki - project specific page
- Mark JIRA issue as ‘Resolved’
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