e-SENS: ABB and Configuration Services (into CS)
e-SENS: ABB and Configuration Services (into CS)
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This module is a replacement of TSL Files which is the definition of PN services and endpoints. It has as add-on more detailed configuration according to the communication of two PN's
What is described in e-Sens
- There will be a configuration for each country defining the following:
- Service Locator
- It is a service locator to determine connectivity information / routes / location of the service which shall be connected too.
- If a sender of an information wants to get information about the capabilities of an endpoint, it first has to learn the location of the capability service, therefore the service lookup is needed
- It is something like the configuration manager service that OpenNCP asks in order to get the endpoints for other PN's
- Capability Lookup
- which business processes the receiver can participate in (define the workflows that can be particiapate)
- which eDocuments can be received (define the document class coded can be exchanged)
- the security setup (i.e. is it required vpn)
- the evidence setup (i.e. is it required to send evidence tokens)
- the communication protocol setup (will it be http or https)
- the location of receiver's gateway (ip address)
- Different service locator metadata for different systems (production and test)
- Service Locator
- More details needed for capability lookup configuration
What modules are implicated:
- TSLSync
- TSLEditor
- Configuration Manager Changes (???)
- VPN Configuration (???)
What must it be implemented
- Central Configuration Service for accepting such king of documents. This has to be implemented and hosted centrally
- User Interface for creating the definition file of services (replacement for TSLEditor). We could implement it now with a web interface.
- TSL Sync changes to adopt the changes of the services definition file
Functional description
- ...
- WE HAVE TO THINK what added value will this file gives to OpenNCP, and if it solves any existing problem
- What kind of file has each PN to prepare in order to register its services (something like tsl?)
- Will it be a replacement for TSL? If yes, we have to assume for replacement of tsleditor and tslsync
- Is service locator aware of the status of the service (up-down)?
- Service locator shall also have information about test systems?
- Is it meant only for the purpose of providing information about the location of the capability services?
- As a central service, which can be used/requested by the senders, e.g. accessing by OpenNCP
- Problem: what about the technical network connections and configurations necessary, e.g. firewall restrictions. For example currently you can download the TSL file from the configuration service, the local OpenNCP database is updated with the endpoint information, the certificates are installed in the truststore, but to be able to connect successfully, the firewall rules of the receiving site must allow access from the caller´s side, the VPN connection must be configured properly, ...
- As a component of OpenNCP ? Not in my opinion, central service, but OpenNCP may register there at startup
- As a central service, which can be used/requested by the senders, e.g. accessing by OpenNCP
Action Items:
person - task -date
, multiple selections available,
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