2014-06-16 STORK meets OpenNCP: Technical Meeting notes

2014-06-16 STORK meets OpenNCP: Technical Meeting notes




  • Development status and issues;
  • Contractual arrangements and issues;
  • Other Technical issues and doubts;

Discussion items

20 min

Development status and issues (https://openncp.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=1)

  • How to implement the required attributes for HCP eIdentification at demo PEPS;


Kostas Karkaletsis
Marcelo Fonseca
Florian Reimair (Unlicensed) 

  • isHCPProfessional is a complex attribute, not a straight line answer; UPDATE: no way - as far as my colleagues and I know.
  • The required information to be provided by STORK should be aligned with epSOS roles, so a follow up action to provided information was created;
  • Patient Access still is the development focus
  • STORK plugin will be deployed at Test environment, with mocked PAC service.
20 minContractual arrangements and issues

Isabel Cruz
Alexander Berler (Unlicensed)Robert Sharinger

Remaining TimeOther Technical issues and doubts- 

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