2014-06-20 STORK meets OpenNCP: Meeting notes

2014-06-20 STORK meets OpenNCP: Meeting notes




  • Present a demo of the integration performed;
  • Brief explanation about technical details of the integration;
  • Discussion about the replacement of demo PEPS with real infrastructure;
  • Discussion about the official demo;
  • Possible deploy on AT OpenNCP - concerns about the OpenNCP installation in AT;

Discussion items

25 min

Present a demo of the integration performed


Marcelo Fonseca

Kostas Karkaletsis

25 min

Brief explanation about technical details of the integration

Kostas Karkaletsis

Marcelo Fonseca

20 min

Discussion about the replacement of demo PEPS with real infrastructure

My colleagues and I decided to have a two-step process in order to fully connect to the real stork. The second step, however, is a nice to have.

The first step will be to connect your SP to our testVIDP.
https://testvidp.buergerkarte.at/moa-id-auth/stork2/ServiceProvider is where you have to send your requests to
- the samlsigner cert of our PEPS should already be in the keystore we provided you

We need from you:
- the URL, where you want your responses back

then of course you do not have testcards. So I suggest that we take a few minutes more on friday after the telco. With your web-accessbile demo portal configured to use the real stork, we can use our testcards and provide you with feedback and fix configuration issues on our side. I think we should be able to get anything up and running in 30min or so.

The second step would be to connect your service provider to a foreign PEPS. Italy, Iceland, and Estonia are about to get preproduction ready for AT citizens. I can provide you with more info on that by friday.

Florian Reimair (Unlicensed)

Marcelo Fonseca

Kostas Karkaletsis

20 min

Discussion about the official demo

Robert Scharinger 

Gottfried Heider

20 minPossible deploy on AT OpenNCP - concerns about the OpenNCP installation in AT

Robert Scharinger 

Gottfried Heider

 Other issues and concerns  

Action items

  • Kostas KarkaletsisMarcelo Fonseca: Please provide the epSOS/e-Sens Team (Olaf, Gottfried , Soeren Bittins) with the assertions used in this demonstration, preferably - and if possible at all - from a Wireshark dump to see the full SOAP and WS-A context.