2014-06-26 STORK meets OpenNCP: Demo Follow-up + eSENS Use-cases

2014-06-26 STORK meets OpenNCP: Demo Follow-up + eSENS Use-cases




  • Follow-up of STORK demo;
  • Next-steps and actions;
  • Concerns about PAC;
  • Contract issues;
  • Other questions and issues;

Discussion items

20 min

Follow-up of STORK demo;


"it was the review of 3rd period"

"Some network problems at Monday, related to local infra-structure"

"24 People representing all the Working Packages;"

"Initial presentation about eHealth on STORK: some issues related with the lack of participants presented;"

"The reviewer gave some contacts of a dannish company also implementing eIdentification;"

"eHealth was the only live demo (others were shown as video);"

"We need to find pilots for STORK, running in production system: BIG CHALLENGE"

The pilot has to run in the minimun for 12 months: means we have to start lately in SETEMBER 2014;

Robert had a discussion with political people from regions in Austria about epSOS and documents exchange;

..to evaluate the possibility to participate in STORK pilots and also to use OpenNCP for this;

Gottfried will ask for Prof. Henrique Martins to gather other pilots for STORK;

eHealth subnet group is sending a propose to CEF to found epSOS continuity; (question)

I learn a lot from the reviews, and I would like to see more functions (in the OpenNCP)

Patient Consent is a very crucial topic.

Interesting features:

(1) If you have Patient Access you should have more functionalities, such as consent adjustments, and others;

(2) Another interesting feature would be to have an "HCP check" - to check if a person is really a doctor;

(3) To have a delegation process - to allow delegated persons to check other peoples documents;


"Evaluate the possibility to combine the work that needs to be performed in STORK with eSENS"

The HCP check is 100% local, and european directives are stable enough to support the "trust in the role"

The 2rd proposed feature is really interesting, specially matched with ePrescription, allowing other people to dispense medicines on-behalf;


"Portugal is interested in running a Pilot for Patient eIdentification, according to Licínio Mano form SPMS"

10 min

Next-steps and actions

  • eSENS



An eSENS meeting need to take in place, to gather STORK pilots and OpenNCP Tem members

It would be very important to the OpenNCP Team to participate in the meeting: due to the need of having technical persons

Use-cases in eSENS

  • Patient Summary
  • ePrescription/dispensation
  • eID
  • Others

Olaf should be always present in the OpenNCP meetings

We should adjust one of the OpenNCP meetings to match Soeren schedule;


It would be great to participate in previously described meeting

The discussion about the eSENS use-cases should be brought to the OpenNCP meeting


Our STORK+OpenNCP solution will bring something to "touch" and "show" for eSENS

Our team has the opportunity to refine the eSENS use-cases,

Olaf can be invited to the OpenNCP Meeting on behalf of Soeren;


5 minConcerns about PAC

(check comments on previous topic, about possibly added functionality, requested by Gottfried)

Marcelo Fonseca e-mail (in 26th July), concerning PAC doubts

Regarding your questions, they are all related to specific PAC implementation. 
For the demo performed we have set up the sufficient conditions to demonstrate:
- The e-Identification of the Patient using STORK real-like infrastructure;
- The display of health information for the previously e-identified Patient, included in epSOS PAC scenario;
Still, we can provide you some answers for your notes:
- CDA Level 1 doesn’t work - No PDF available
This is related to the available documents in the National Infrastructure, either simulated or real. For demonstration purposes only the level 3 was added. Further documents and patients can be added, of course, if we agree so in the future.
- Selection of the language - No change
Could you be more specific? You mean "nothing to be changed" or "no changes occur (after selection)". 
Have you managed to see the demo L3 Patient Summary in both English and French languages, for instance?
- PAC:
— how is it possible to update (add/change) the consent ?
If I'm not wrong the consent is not taken into account in the PAC scenario, as the Patient is accessing the information by himself.
— do you have something implemented like in the old epSOS Version: Create a new patient ?
No, we do not have such feature in the portal, as normally that is from the responsibility of the National Infrastructure. 
— where I can see the demographics of a patient ? Th eased identifier ?
Once logged in you can access "My Account > Custom Fields" and then you have access to a set of demographics for that given patient.
— what happens if I have different PS from different PN of more from one PN ? _ Do i get an overview about my PS? Are you producing a PS on the fly from ore than one stored PS’s (from different PS)
In PAC scenario, following the epSOS directives, the Patient can access the L1 and L3 versions of their Patient Summaries. Regarding the "different PS form different PN", that would not happen, as in PAC scenario, the Patient can only access their own Patient Summary, from their country.
A foreign citizen, for instance, would access its own PAC portal, belonging to their home country.
For the demo purposes we are using Patient Summaries stored in the file-system, as for the moment this is a simulated National Infrastructure.
We can always bring all this subjects to the "STORK meets OpenNCP" follow up meeting, next Thursday.
And since these are requirements directly related to PAC implementation, they can also be brought to the OpenNCP Community, where there they can be handled as "improvements", "issues" or just the need for clarification.


Add CDA Level 1 also for DEMO patient

5 minOther questions and issuesOpenNCP in Austria


I have request credentials for TSAM and TSL - still no answer;


Forget ELGA, National Infrastructure of Tiani is off. Tiani cannot help now.

The OpenNCP should be running at the Ministry Of Health

Action items

  • @Gottfried: schedule the eSENS+STORK+OpenNCP meeting
  • @Gottfried: share information about use cases of "eHealth eSENS use-cases"
  • Isabel Cruz share with OpenNCP community the need to invite Olaf and adjust one of the month's meeting to meet Soeren timezone
  • Isabel Cruz propose the OpenNCP team the inclusion of developments for STORK and eSENS, under roadmap (perhaps with more priority);
  • Isabel Cruz request Olaf to do a brief presentation about the previous use-cases;
  • Marcelo Fonseca Add CDA L1 to test Patient (MAX);