System configuration

System configuration


Liferay Related
Liferay should be installed. Liferay starts using embedded tomcat bin/startup.sh (if using linux) or bin/startup.bat. 

Database Related
MySQL Server 5.0 installed and running and its TCP/IP Connections enabled.

Important: if you run mysql in linux environment you must check the parameter to be set as following:

Java Related
Java JDK should be installed. Prferred version JDK1.6.0_05 or later. For the application to work, you must set an enviromental variable called JAVA_HOME, and pointing to the path of the installed jdk

EPSOS Related
Be sure you have set correctly the environment variable EPSOS_PROPS_PATH to point to the directory contains epsos.properties, epsos-srdc.properties and pn-oid.xml. For example it should be "/opt/portal/"

Also you need to have access to the property defined in epsos.properties named secman.sts.url=http://<hostname>/TRC-STS/SecurityTokenService which is part of the SecurityManager and needed for TRCA creation

You have also to have under EPSOS_PROPS_PATH the configuration files:


These files normally exist in your existing ncp under other path

You have to deploy epsos-client-connector from protocol terminators project in order to connect it with the portal

You have also to setup cdadisplay tool for your environement. This means you have to run the TSAMExporter which is part of CDADisplayTool project