Error Handling messages
Error Handling messages
You can add a Language_<Country_Code>.properties file (e.g. Language_el_GR.properties, Language_pt_PT.properties) with the following values
#XCPD Service
DemographicsQueryNotAllowed=Query with demographics not allowed
AnswerNotAvailable=Answer Not Available
InsufficientRights=Insufficient Rights
4701=No consent
4702=Weak Authentication
4703=Insufficient Rights
1102=No Data
4201=Unsupported Feature
4202=Unknown Signifier
4203=Transcoding Error
4204=Unknown Filter
4705=Policy violation
4706=Unknown Policy
# Dispensation Service
4105=No match
4106=Invalid Dispensation
4704=No signature
4107=Original data missing
4108=Pivot data missing
This file is under git repositrory. You can trsnaslate it in your local language using UTF-8 encoding