Error messages handling

Error messages handling

Error messages handling

The purpose of this page is to discuss the error handling in the OpenNCP, but mostly the presentation of those errors in the portal.

It's necessary to do it in such a way that a common user can easily understand them.

Related Issues

  • INT-25 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • INT-26 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • INT-27 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • INT-28 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • INT-29 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • PT-183 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  • User friendly text messages, in Portal (NCP-B), presenting errors emerged from NCP-A.

Use case/scenarios

  • All the exceptions from the NCP-A (all services, PS, eP/eD, etc.)
  • All the exceptions from the NCP-B (all services, PS, eP/eD, etc.)
  • Exceptions provided by NCP components

Technical solution

The technical solution may pass to the implementation of a mapping table that will map the error messages from technical to a more user friendly type at the portal;

Service Messages

The service messages gather a well-defined group of error messages with corresponding codes and descriptions. This errors are related to service aspects and can all be mapped to the destination country language.

XCPD Service 

CodeMessageResponse StatusSupport In NCP-A
DemographicsQueryNotAllowedDemographics Query Not AllowedFailureYes
AnswerNotAvailableAnswer Not AvailableSuccessYes
InsufficientRightsInsufficient RightsFailureYes

XCA Service - RegistryErrorList

CodeMessageResponse StatusSupport In NCP-A
4701No ConsentFailureYes
4702Weak AuthenticationFailureNo

Insufficient Rights

1102No DataSuccessYes
4201Unsupported FeatureSuccessNo
4202Unknown SignifierFailureYes
4203Transcoding ErrorFailureNo
4204Unknown FilterFailureNo



XDR Service - RegistryErrorList

Both dispensation and consent service propagate errors (codes and messages) reported by the national connector gateway.

Consent Service

CodeMessageResponse StatusSupport In NCP-A
4705Policy violationFailureYes, if supported by national connector

Weak Authentication

4706Unknown PolicyFailureYes, if supported by national connector
4701No consentFailureN/A?

Dispensation Service

CodeMessageResponse StatusSupport In NCP-A
4105No matchFailureYes, if supported by national connector

Invalid Dispensation

FailureYes, if supported by national connector
4702Weak AuthenticationFailureNo
4704No signatureFailureNo
4107Original data missingFailureYes, if supported by national connector
4108Pivot data missingFailureYes, if supported by national connector
4701No consentFailureYes


Component Failures

The component failures may occur for a variety of reasons, throwing more technical errors, such as "Null Pointers", "Index Out Of Bounds", and others.
We believe that these kind of errors should be all included into a single type - for instance "An unexpected error has occurred".
Along with this error, it should be given the possibility to the user to view more details (e.g. Stacktrace) allowing him to send this information to Help Desk systems.

Transformation / Translation Errors