20150709 - Meeting minutes, Thursday, July 9th, 2015 - OpenNCP - Installation Manual Consolidation

OpenNCP - Installation Manual Consolidation

9th July

Estimated - 13:00 to 14:00 CEST

Performed - 13:00 to 14:00 CEST


1) Baseline and scope task

2) Technical discussion;



- Wiki+ WorkBench + AdobeConnect


Today's Meeting Participants:

Rui Alves <rui.alves@spms.min-saude.pt>,

Licinio Mano <licinio.mano@spms.min-saude.pt>,

João Cunha <joao.cunha@spms.min-saude.pt>,

Jerome Subiger <jerome.subiger@ext.ec.europa.eu>,

Yacoubou Waolany <yacoubou.waolany@ext.ec.europa.eu>,

Michele Foucard <Michele.FOUCART@ext.ec.europa.eu>,

Marcello Melgara <Marcello.Melgara@cnt.lispa.it>,

(not able to join) Stéphane Spahni <stephane.spahni@hcuge.ch>,


Invited Members List:

Alexandre Santos <alexandre.santos@spms.min-saude.pt>,

Marko Peric <marko.peric@hzzo.hr>,

Heiko Zimmermann <Heiko.Zimmermann@agence-esante.lu>, 

Kostas Karkaletsis <k.karkaletsis@gnomon.com.gr>,

Markus Kalliola <markus.kalliola@ec.europa.eu>,




1) Baseline and scope task

  • Context
  • Work Scope
  • Time Scope

2) Technical discussion

  • From BiWeekly Meeting (Jun 1st 2015)

 Installation Manual - OpenNCP: https://openncp.atlassian.net/wiki/x/ZgCp

Rui Alves (Unlicensed): In the last few months a lot of PN's and interested parties have been installing the OpenNCP from scratch and using the Installation Manual , however we may be lacking some information or some information may not be updated. Perhaps we need to do some revision on the Manual... Also there is a lot of info in the comments of the Installation Manual that is useful...

Joao Cunha: Has been installing OpenNCP from scratch. Manual has some lacks, info missing or files not updated. I can share some tips I've gathered.

Two important points:

1. Certificates - how many key stores and trust stores - how to configure them.

2. Make an effort to explain the properties from the DB - easier if we know how can we be affected by changing each one of them.

Markus (Unlicensed): We also had problems and documented some of them, we can share this documentation.

        • S + Joao Cunha: share the documentation about the manuals.
        • Stéphane Spahni: Revise the documentation and make summary about certificates and Database properties.



  • We should have more info about the certificates and DB properties
  • We should have more info about how to upload the TSL file


Licinio Kustra Mano:

  • If TSL Editor and Sync are not well explained - we should go deeper on that:
  • Masi was the developer. We could go to Masi on this.
  • Page to improve the info about the TSL Component - Licinio Kustra Mano and Stéphane Spahni to recover the video on TSL Component.


We need two weeks to the revision process and then, compile the comments and add another ones, to later integrate them on the Installation Manual.

The Installation Manual Review: https://openncp.atlassian.net/wiki/x/VoBoAw


Final date for comments: 23rd July.



  • Related ISSUES
    • OPENNCP-39 - Getting issue details... STATUS Help with OpenNCP installation: OpenATNA
    • OPENNCP-8 - Getting issue details... STATUS OpenNCP Installation Manual Improvement: TSL Properties
    • OP-5 - Getting issue details... STATUS Installation notes for the log viewer
    • COMA-10 - Getting issue details... STATUS Update the epsos configuration zip file in installation manual at the wiki
    • ....
  • We should make distribution of the issues: perhaps to SStéphane SpahniJoao CunhaKostas Karkaletsis
    • In the issues, ask for adding comments to page from João: if is there something to be done or close the issue.


Licinio Kustra Mano: How to provide an easier way to install the NCP?

1) Should we have a Virtual Machine with the NCP prepared, that new people install NCP more easily?

2) Alexandre Santos has been preparing a new solution (based on Docker): easier install process.

  • After the revision of the manual: maybe we should move to a solution like this.
  • Marcello Melgara: There was a CISCO SERVER (Tiani) in the past - was hard. Every country environment is different.
    • We could have something to make it easier to install but with limited...
  • Licinio Kustra Mano: Three weeks from now, we should ask ourselves if we should move to a solution like this, beyond JoinUp.