20150703 - Meeting minutes, Friday, July 3rd, 2015 - OpenNCP Community Governance

OpenNCP Community Governance

3rd July

Estimated - 13:00 to 14:00 CEST

Performed - 13:00 to 14:00 CEST


  1. Overview
  2. Governance and hand over
  3. AOB



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Today's Meeting Participants:

Licinio Mano <licinio.mano@spms.min-saude.pt>,

Rui Alves <rui.alves@spms.min-saude.pt>,

Marcello Melgara <Marcello.Melgara@cnt.lispa.it>,

Juergen Wehnert <juergen.wehnert@gematik.de>,


Invited Members List:

Markus Kalliola <markus.kalliola@ec.europa.eu>,

Michele Foucard <Michele.FOUCART@ext.ec.europa.eu>,

Jerome Subiger <jerome.subiger@ext.ec.europa.eu>,




  • From Jan. 2015 to Dec. 2015;
    • Nominated OpenNCP Committees: https://openncp.atlassian.net/wiki/x/DYANAg
    • Scope OpenNCP in EXPAND
      1. Take the OpenNCP to the next version;
      2. Assist and resolve any support issues that may arise;
      3. Handover to (DG-SANTÉ) for long term sustainability organisation;


  • Budget mechanisms:
    • We are loosing Industry partners, since we are not able to keep their willingness to continue participating, mainly due to not being able to provide financial funds for development activities.
  • Handover to EC:
    • Building the roadmap to close the handover
      • Licinio Kustra Mano: Write a MoU on what is the handover strategy for the 2 assets related with the OpenNCP (the Technology and the Community)
        • markus.kalliola: EXPAND has not the knowledge to transfer the OpenNCP technology to EC!
        • Marcello Melgara: Gap of expectations, the full length of code explanation will not be able to accomplished by EXPAND;
        • markus.kalliola: explained EC expectations regarding having enough knowledge to be able of autonomously develop the OpenNCP Components.
          • Licinio Kustra Mano: EXPAND Technical Maintenance Shop: should rethink the next to come hand over activities in order to be aligned with this expectation.
            • Marcello Melgara: alert that EXPAND has the willingness to do this, but EXPAND team need to work on how to make this possible, having in consideration the initial scope and the current knowledge available.

3. AOB


  • Follow up and next meeting;