

Terminology Services Access Manager (TSAM) is responsible for translating a given concept designation into the requested target language as well as transcoding a given “local” coded concept into the appropriate epSOS coded concept using the information present in the Local Terminology Repository.
Main scenarios are

  • translation of a given concept designation into the requested target language in a country,
  • transcoding of a given “local” coded concept into the appropriate epSOS coded concept.

Translation means association of designation (display name) in a language of a member state to an epSOS coded concept. Operation is symmetric, and can be used to translate from local language to epSOS reference language (i.e. English) or from epSOS reference language to local language. The result of translation is equivalent to the original. Code of the concept remains unchanged.

Transcoding means association of a concept coded in classification system used in member state to an epSOS coded concept. Associated concept has to be either “synonymous” or more specific than the epSOS concept. More than one local concept may be associated with exactly one epSOS concept (N:1 mapping). Therefore, transcoding may be used only when transforming local document to epSOS pivot document. Local code and designation are appended with epSOS concept code and designation.

The PosAm "Implementation Documentation" from the source-code repository is also available on the Transformation Manager page.

TSAM Related files

  File Modified

File schema.sql LTR Database schema

Oct 24, 2013 by Marcelo Fonseca