Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)


As of January 2016, the OpenNCP governance model changes as foreseen and prepared by the EXPAND project.

The OpenNCP project shifts under the direct responsibility of the European Commission, Directorate General for Health and Food Safety, DG SANTE. The goal is to move  the epSOS e-health pilot OpenNCP into the global European "Connecting Europe Facility" (CEF) framework project under the umbrella of the "eHealth Digital Service Infrastructure"(eHealth DSI).

The project is dedicated to remain open-source and the governance is designated to be driven or influenced by the OpenNCP community and health care professionals, in cooperation with the European Commission.

Guidance documents - Call CEF-TC-2015-2 on eHealth Generic Services

Source: http://ec.europa.eu/health/ehealth/policy/network/guidance_ehealthgenericservices_en.htm


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