Using CDA Display Tool
Using CDA Display Tool
This is a standalone library (jar file) that can be used by any web application for rendering epsos cda documents (patient summary and eprescription documents). In order to use it you have to just import the library in your project and then run code like this
First you get access to the EpsosXSLTransformer
EpsosXSLTransformer xlsClass = new EpsosXSLTransformer();
And then call one of the available public methods (see below)
/** * @param xml the source cda xml file * @param lang the language you want the labels, value set to be displayed * @param actionpath the url that you want to post the dispensation form * @param repositorypath the path of the epsos repository files * @return the cda document in html format */ public String transform(String xml,String lang, String actionpath, String repositoryPath) /**This method uses the epsos repository files from user home directory * @param xml the source cda xml file * @param lang the language you want the labels, value set to be displayed * @param actionpath the url that you want to post the dispensation form * @return the cda document in html format */ public String transform(String xml,String lang, String actionpath) /**This method uses the epsos repository files from user home directory and outputs the transformed xml to the temp file without deleting it * @param xml the source cda xml file * @param lang the language you want the labels, value set to be displayed * @param actionpath the url that you want to post the dispensation form * @return the cda document in html format */ public String transformWithOutputAndUserHomePath(String xml,String lang, String actionpath) /**This method uses the epsos repository files from user home directory and outputs the transformed xml to the temp file without deleting it * @param xml the source cda xml file * @param lang the language you want the labels, value set to be displayed * @param actionpath the url that you want to post the dispensation form * @param repositorypath the path of the epsos repository files * @return the cda document in html format */ public String transformWithOutputAndDefinedPath(String xml,String lang, String actionpath,String repositoryPath) public String transformForPDF(String xml, String lang, boolean export)
In order for the library to run correctly you have to run prior to this the TSAM Exporter in order to create the appropriate language files in EpsosRepository folder. The result of the transformation offers this library is the following:
- For Patient Summary Documents is created a read-only html file which displays visually the cda document\
- For ePrescription Documents is created a read-write html file which displays visually the cda document and allows the user to fill in some fields and submit this file to the defined by the user URL
, multiple selections available,
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