2014 eHealth Forum

2014 eHealth Forum

epSOS Industry Team and Open Source Community workshop (14th of May, from 14h00 to 16h00 CET)


Leoforos Vasilissis Sofias and Kokkali 1

Athens 115 21



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2014 eHealth Forum / Programme





Event Programme


The conference audience is mostly decision makers and healthcare professionals.

Some vendors will be present, as usual.

We will try to access also some technical audience.

The room has a capacity between 50-80 people


SESSIONSpeakerSession TitlePresentation file (draft)
epSOS Industry Team (30 min.)Miroslav Koncar (Oracle)epSOS overview, organization and architecture

In 2008 the European Commission started a large scale pilot to not only design but also test on a large scale the cross-border communication of patient information. As a result, the pilot has yielded a set of services that benefits patients all European patients that seek healthcare abroad - hence the name, Smart Open Services for European Patients (epSOS). In his presentation, Miroslav Koncar will cover the basic setup of epSOS in terms of organization, architecture, specification and implementation. He will also talk about the crucial role of industry in help shaping this project, as well as the benefits and drawback of open source software. After this session you will have basic knowledge about what epSOS is about, which problem it solves and what the results have been.

FINAL PRESENTATION FILE: 140514-epSOS-introductory-presentation-IT v2.pptx

epSOS Industry Team (30 min.)Jacob Boye Hansen (CareCom)epSOS semantic paradigm

The epSOS large scale pilot has yielded a viable infrastructure on both organizational, legal, technical as well as the semantic level. The latter aspect proves to be one of the most challenging in this project - how to enable health professionals to provide care to foreign patients by overcoming the language barrier? To make sure each nation participating in this project can take ownership of the translation and transcoding of medical coding systems, epSOS has provided an ingenious and creative solution. In his presentation, Jacob Boye Hansen will bring you up to speed with just how epSOS created an intermediate 'language', how to do translation and transcoding and how to keep the ever evolving coding systems in sync. After this session you will have a good understanding of how epSOS has facilitated true semantic interoperability between all European member states.


OpenNCP Community (20 min.)Licinio Kustra Mano (SPMS, Portugal)OpenNCP Community as self organizing team

One of the major achievements of the epSOS project  was bringing people together around a common need - cross border healthcare.
People from several countries and diverse education and experience background, played the privileged game of designing a possible future.
Regarding technical interoperability, those people organized as an open community called OpenNCP Community which the vision is: "design and develop a set of Open Source Components (OpenNCP) that can be adopted by Participating Nation, to build their local implementation of the epSOS NCP." In this talk, Licinio Mano (PT) will try to provide a glimpse about best practices, achievements and challenges ahead for the OpenNPC Community.


OpenNCP Technology
(40 min.- 20m + 20m)

Konstantin Hyppönen (KELA, Finland)


Marcelo Fonseca (iUZ)

OpenNCP technology, architecture and use in a real pilot environment

epSOS has produced a number of common components for building National Contact Points (NCPs) used in cross-border health services. The components culminate in an open source ready-to-deploy NCP implementation, OpenNCP. In this talk, Konstantin Hyppönen (FI) and Marcelo Fonseca (PT) provide insights into the architecture of OpenNCP, covering questions about the technical design behind the epSOS services. The use and implementation of IHE profiles, semantic components, end-user portals, and security services are described in a techy but intelligible way. First-hand experiences of using OpenNCP in a nation-wide setup are shared openly.There will be also presented some insights about the used development tools, the integration and testing strategies will also be presented. First-hand experiences of using OpenNCP in a nation-wide setup are shared openly.

Konstantin Hyppönen

FINAL PRESENTATION FILE: epSOS-OpenNCP-Workshop_Architecture_V0.6.pptx


Marcelo Fonseca (Development tools, Integration and testing arrangements)

FINAL PRESENTATION FILE: 6_epSOS-OpenNCP-Workshop_DevelopmentTools_IntegrationAndTesting_MarceloFonseca_V2.pptx


Gareth Woodham

Marcello Melgara

Licinio Kustra Mano

Demo (if technical conditions allow)
  • Sweden: ePrescription
  • Italy: PAC
  • Portugal: PS


Notes and Follow Up actions

Check out the event notes and follow up actions by the OpenNCP Community.