NCP-B - Integration Guide

NCP-B - Integration Guide

Document Scope

This guide is for:

  • Some one wanting to integrate with NCP-B
  • E.g. Protal-B developers

This guide is not for:



The usage of NCP client side (NCP-B) is done thought the Client Connector (CC) proxy.

To allow communication with it, CC provide a Web Services (WS) API.

In order to integrate with this WS  you may need to read it descriptions in WSDL and XSD files, available in Files section.

Those are also available with the project source code at:  src/main/resources/WSDL/

 For further help you may also read JavaDoc secssion

Service API


There, we can find the following operations:

Operation NameDescription

This operation encapsulates all the necessary logic to perform a query for patients.

queryDocumentsPerforms a query for documents.
retrieveDocumentRetrieves a specific document.
submitDocumentSubmits a given document.
sayHelloTest method that greets with an "Hello" message.


Test Integration

In order to test if you application is able to integrate with NPC-B, you need to:

  • Have connection to a running NPC-B
  • Deploy a Client Connector instance - see NCP-B Install Guide 

Deploy mock version


If you can deploy a test instance of NCP-B, you probably want to test your application against a static responder.

Client Connector project, has a Mock implementation of it's API, that can be used in order to test a client application.

This "usage mode" always reply with the same static messages.

How to use

Build Client Connector project defining a property: 'service.class.mock' with value 'Mock'.

Any other value than this will break the project. This can only be empty or text with value 'Mock'.

Also please note that this is case sensitive.

mvn install -Dservice.class.mock=Mock




JavaDoc for this project can be accessed in 3 different ways:

  • you can read the source code (tongue)
  • you can get it from zip: cc_javadoc.zip. Last update 2012-09-11. (not recommended, easily outdated)
  • you can build and generate it; we defiend a 'javadoc' property in order to generate it:  mvn install -Djavadoc


How to read the JavaDoc:


API data model - DTOs

eu.epsos.pt.cc.ClientConnectorServiceSkeletonAPI Implementation
eu.epsos.pt.cc.stub.*Client Connector internal services

Despite stub package refers to internal implementation, it's documentation can be really helpful for a NCP-B client. 



Web service WSDL

Service XSD