OpenNCP Steering Committee Meeting


Estimated - 15:00 to 16:00 CET

Performed -


  1. OpenNCP Community
    1. Way of working
    2. Dev/support Jira
  2. Renaming of the Community?
  3. Replacement of Licinio? JASeHN...
  4. Resources



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Room Passcode:  markus.kalliola or Licinio Kustra Mano


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Today's Meeting Participants:

Licinio Kustra Mano

Soeren Bittins



Support document

OpenNCP Governance

Governance Model 


  1. OpenNCP Community
    1. Way of working:
      1. bi-weekly, technical committees, task force meeting...
      2. Dev/support Jira, migration of continuous integration tools to CEF digital platform...
    2. Improvement ideas, other feedback:
      1. The Community is working the way it should, but practical problems lot of coordination but very little activity that has to be coordinated 
      2. Lot of topics ongoing, but not yet measurable value contribution...we're missing the technical coordination to push it in the development back-log. Processes etc. are in place, but maybe we're missing some speed, guidance...
      3. In the past leveraged on Licinio who had one foot on technical aspects, and one foot on political aspects, bringing all the pieces together...
        1. 2 approaches at the moment (e.g. eID and EIDAS adapter, Netherlands and Austrian pilot...). In the past it was possible to mediate, at the moment concurrent activities from eHealth sector and the development team on the project.
        2. Many of the components developed now are infrastructure, mandated by the outside
          1. We need a lot of interactions with the different stakeholders to understand how it works, which is challenging.
      4. Purpose of OpenNCP?
        1. To provide countries the best reference implementations for the eHealth cross border specifications. MS look for:
          1. for working tested and mature solution
          2. for support to deploy the reference implementation
        2. How wide do we want to be?
          1. We have to ensure that for decision made, we commit to implement.
          2. With regards to influencing building blocks etc. we might not be entitled to do that and need to narrow our scope... but need to ensure that BB do not overrun eHealthDSI sector specific needs?
          3. The most activities should be inside eHealth DSI, what about the other topics (which are not the core components of OpenNCP) we have to discuss in the eHDSI?
            1. Should we somehow include these topics in OpenNCP community => eHDSI COmmunity? Or separate?
            2. Today the scope and limitation are essentially within the OpenNCP, but are we equipped to deal with all those transversal activities? Can we cope with them? Exercising control on those external activities? (to make our life easier, voicing our thoughts)
            3. Via the EC we have the channel of communication inside the EC. It exists, but maybe we did not use it in a proper way so far...
              1. we can use this strength to influence our stakeholders but
              2. eHDSI governance model: OpenNCP is a box inside other boxes (eHOMB, eHMSEG...). We are focussed to deliver something very specific, we have to be specialized...we're limited in term of resources...
          4. We should narrow down the number of task to concentrate on offering the best implementation possible.
          5. Beside the OpenNCP implementation, we will also need to provide support to MS (EC has been mandated for that)
            1. We need to decide/shaping our role in term of support
              1. For support we need specific resources, to be sized for it... to be able to reply on time (e.g. eP audit log not working and not corrected since April)
              2. If related to OpenNCP usage, needs to be reported to the OpenNCP Community
            2. What kind of support:
              1. Need a centralized support system for eHDSI (e.g JIRA receiving all the requests) as first line if organisational, semantic...issues
              2. If specific, a second line
                1. If central services => separate instance
                2. If OpenNCP => OpenNCP Community
              3.  we need to have SLAs
            3. Migration CEF Digital? Need a eHDSI wiki page and a eHDSI single entry point for the support
          6. First proposal, we need to propose a consolidated proposal to eHOMB in term of support, to see if eHOMB endorses this role. (consequence in term of resources)
  2. Renaming of the Community?
    1. Proposition to keep the focus on developing OpenNCP supporting. Depending on the scope decision, it might influence the name as well...
    2. eHDSI Community page + other bi-weekly meeting for the MS? Especially if we want to narrow the scope of the OpenNCP. (different mandates)
  3. Replacement of Licinio?
    1. Steering Committee:
    2. eHDSI
    3. JASeHN task 5.6 CEF operational support leader
      • markus.kalliola will ask Henrique to see if there will be a replacement for Licinio
    4. eSENS
  4. ESENS piloting EID and non-repudiation on and  - we should support and learn from this initiative
    1. Meeting 3pm CET to prepare/mature topics for the next eHOMB after eHOMB 24/5.
    2. Licinio Kustra Mano proposes to prepare a proposal scope OpenNCP + framework to discuss