Estimated - 13:00 to 14:00 CET

Performed - 13:00 to 14:00 CET


0. Housekeeping

1. Governance

2. New developments

2.1 Configuration server

2.2. CDA display tool

2.3. eID

2.4. SMP/SML

3. AOB

4. Next meetings



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Today's Meeting Participants:

Alexandre Santos

Heiko Zimmermann

Joao Cunha

Licinio Kustra Mano

Marcello Melgara

Massimiliano Masi

Mustafa Yuksel

Stéphane Spahni


Marco Bernardini

Natasha Carl




0. House Keeping

1. Governance

2. New developments

2.1 Configuration server

YacoubouY sent to the Member States the credentials before the holiday period.

Who tested it?

2.2. CDA display tool

Marco Bernardini had interactions with Marcello & Pier Luigi Miglioli. First sample were wrong. Small minor issues to be fixed.

Major issue on the translation part (when CDA was modified, translations were not performed. + Doubts on the xml file) - Marcello Melgara suggests to keep this issue on hold & perform an assessment.

Marcello Melgara reported LISPA has updated the Italian

Marcello Melgara suggests the following steps:

2.3. eID

2.4. SMP/SML

3. AOB

4. Next Meetings