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  1. Housekeeping
  2. Task forces status
    1. Terminology server task force:
      1. Next meeting on 8th January
      2. Trial of a face-to-face but will need to be replaned because it is a holiday in Germany, preventing people from FH Dortmund to travel
    2. SMP/SML task force
      1. Kick off meeting on 22/01
      2. DIGIT share the meeting
      3. There will be 2 parallel activities within the task force:
        1. SMP
        2. OpenNCP
      4. DIGIT is currently working on the requirements
    3. Security
      1. Started some bug fixing, executed by Kostas on Liferay and also bug fixing on epsos web
      2. DG SANTE is working on a validation checklist
      3. Next meeting on 2/02
    4. Release Management
      1. Several meetings were conducted were we decided some minor changes regarding the release management processing
      2. The task force is completed since we agreed with the Community on a way of working
      3. We'll update the document on the wikipage
      4. Next step: we'll do release 2.4.0 at DG SANTE with the help of Alexandre
      5. Admin profile : Alexandre has already changed Jerôme's profile
      6. Kostas gave access to Gnomon repository
    5. eID
      1. Meeting this afternoon 3pm
      2. Topics to be discussed: Where are we + what we can expect from the task force in the next 3 months
      3. Markus adds that DIGIT is starting the analysis on eID as well. The analysis is divided in 2 phases:
        1. status of eID at MS, notification of eIDAS and related actions.
        2. More technical analysis of eID eSENS.
      4. DIGIT will be kept in the loop of the eID task force as well, they have been invited to the eID meeting this afternoon
  3. New Developments
    1. CDA Display Tool: no update
    2. TSL editor (TSL-Editor creates TSL files with fields marked in the specification as "MUST NOT be used for epSOS").
    3. TSL editor issue: No update
  4. Miscellaneous
    1. Connectathon Bochum April 11 - 15 2016 (
      1. In discussion, organization of a table by EC. In that case EC will pay for the fee of the table + 1 participant/MS, but travelling & accommodation of MS will be at charge of the participants

      2. EC is asking if there MS interested to participate?
        1. Licinio Kustra Mano: Not sure there is something additional to test. Portugal is willing to participate in case there is a change, to test on Patient Summary (not ePrescription)
      3. If decision is made to participate, discussion on what has to be tested will have to start ASAP. The scope of testing shall be fixed by mid February the latest => michele.foucart: Add this topic to the Technical committee meeting of Thursday
      4. How EC can contact MS? Licinio proposes to inform MS during the next eHMSEG meeting and to raise the question to them at this occasion
      5. Massimiliano Masi: cf. Expandathon. Discussion implementation following the change proposal
      6. Massimiliano Masi eID (eSENS): there is new space for improvement for implementation of eID
    2. eHMSEG

      1. Agenda:
        1. JASeHN supports MS applications by proposing a coordination mechanism to MS that would like to apply to the call (using for instance agreed structure of the application, since 60% of the application can be common) => Objective is to align on several points of the application
        2. Decisions eHOMB
        3. Terminology
        4. Auditing of NCP
    3. Change proposal document:
      1. Here attached the proposed "change proposal document".
        View file
      2. Once final, the document will be published on Confluence, and proposals can be sent to the functional mailbox
      3. Please provide feedback on the document via the comment zone of these Meeting minutes
    4. Obligations needed to comply with the data protection directive
      1. e-mail will be sent to all Confluence users asking their authorization to publish their names in the meeting minutes, pictures (on the OpenNCP welcome page)...+ give members possibility to opt-out. This is valid for past & current OpenNCP members. 
      2. A privacy statement will have to communicated in every meeting invitation, this will be done through a link to the privacy statement (on Confluence): OpenNCP meeting invitation privacy statement
    5. Implementation deviations: Topic needs to be discussed during the next Technical Committee meeting
    6. Admin rights collaborative tools - cf. Release management
    7. Release 2.4.0 - cf. Release management
    8. Configuration Server: Files received from CH and PT. If any MS has issues with file upload, please contact Yacou.
  5. AOB
  6. Next Meetings
    1. Task force eID - Monday 3pm CET
    2. Task force Security - Tuesday 1:30 pm CET
    3. Task force SMP/SML - Wednesday 1pm CET
    4. Technical Committee - Thursday 1pm CET
    5. Task force Terminology server - Monday 1pm CET
    6. Bi-weekly - Monday - 1pm
