OpenNCP properties
OpenNCP properties
Following is a list of the OpenNCP properties that are used during its operation. The values provided are just examples and should be replaced according to each country's configuration.
Key | Value | Purpose |
13069500379061044841 (<cert_serial_number>) | NCPB__eu_NCP (<alias>) | Serial number and alias for certificates fetched by TSL-Sync |
COUNTRY_CODE | PT | Country code according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (see e.g. Wikipedia for a list of possible values) |
COUNTRY_NAME | Portugal | Name of country according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (see e.g. Wikipedia for a list of possible values) |
LANGUAGE_CODE | pt-PT | Language code according to ISO 639x |
HOME_COMM_ID | | Participating Nation OID (used in Portal for patient consent submission, Protocol Terminators and eADC) |
COUNTRY_PRINCIPAL_SUBDIVISION | PT-1 | ISO 3166-2 code for country subdivision (used in Portal, Protocol Terminators, TRC-STS and epSOS Web Portal for audit purposes) |
TRUSTSTORE_PATH | /opt/epsos-configuration/cert/PPT/keystore/truststore.jks | Path to truststore |
TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD | changeit | Truststore password |
SP_KEYSTORE_PATH | /opt/epsos-configuration/cert/PPT/keystore/servprov.jks | Path to Service Provider keystore |
SP_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD | changeit | Service Provider keystore password |
SP_PRIVATEKEY_ALIAS | SP-pk-alias | Service Provider private key alias |
SP_PRIVATEKEY_PASSWORD | changeit | Service Provider private key password |
SC_KEYSTORE_PATH | /opt/epsos-configuration/cert/PPT/keystore/servcons.jks | Path to Service Consumer keystore |
SC_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD | changeit | Service Consumer keystore password |
SC_PRIVATEKEY_ALIAS | SC-pk-alias | Service Consumer private key alias |
SC_PRIVATEKEY_PASSWORD | changeit | Service Consumer private key password |
NCP_SIG_KEYSTORE_PATH | /opt/epsos-configuration/cert/PPT/keystore/ncpsign.jks | Path to NCP Signature keystore |
NCP_SIG_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD | changeit | NCP Signature keystore password |
NCP_SIG_PRIVATEKEY_ALIAS | Ncp-sig-pk-alias | NCP Signature private key alias |
NCP_SIG_PRIVATEKEY_PASSWORD | changeit | NCP Signature private key password |
secman.sts.url | | TRC-STS URL |
automated.validation | TRUE | This will call the XDStarClient online validator to validate messages |
SERVER_IP | | IP address of the machine running OpenNCP |
audit.repository.port | 2862 | OpenATNA's TLS Server port |
audit.repository.url | localhost | OpenATNA's Server location |
audit.time.to.try | 200 | Timeout value (milliseconds) for sending audit message |
auditrep.forcewrite | TRUE | Force AuditManager to write audit message |
WRITE_TEST_AUDITS | TRUE | Determines if test audits should be written |
TEST_AUDITS_PATH | /opt/epsos-configuration/audits/ | Path where test audits will be written |
ncp.country | PT | Local NCP infos (used for audit purposes) – country code |
ncp.email | admin@ncp.pt | Local NCP infos (used for audit purposes) – NCP administrator email |
scheduled.time.between.failed.logs.handling.minutes | 60 | Interval (minutes) in which OpenATNA checks if some audit log was not persisted. In case these logs are found, they will be attempted to re-persist. |
<countryCode>.tsam.synchronizer.lastsyncdate | 4/11/15 03:41 AM | Date of last TSAM-Synchronization |
certificates.storepath | /opt/epsos-configuration/cert/PPT/certs/ | Path to folder where the other countries certificates will be stored |
ncp.countries | lu,at,ch,gr | You'll connect to the Central Services to fetch configuration and certificates from each one of these countries |
tsl.location.<CC> | https://ecrtsppt.conet-services.de:8445/NCP_Service_Status_List__COUNTRY_<CC>_.xml | Location of the TSL file for each country |
APP_BEHIND_PROXY | TRUE | Proxy configurations (to use in case your OpenNCP is running behind a proxy) |
APP_PROXY_HOST | | Proxy configurations (to use in case your OpenNCP is running behind a proxy) |
APP_PROXY_PORT | 8080 | Proxy configurations (to use in case your OpenNCP is running behind a proxy) |
APP_PROXY_USERNAME | proxyuser | Proxy configurations (to use in case your OpenNCP is running behind a proxy) |
APP_PROXY_PASSWORD | proxypass | Proxy configurations (to use in case your OpenNCP is running behind a proxy) |
<CC>.ConsentService.WSE | | URL for ConsentService of country <CC> |
<CC>.OrderService.WSE | | URL for OrderService of country <CC> |
<CC>.PatientIdentificationService.WSE | | URL for PatientIdentificationService of country <CC> |
<CC>.PatientService.WSE | | URL for PatientService of country <CC> |
<CC>.VPNGateway.WSE | | Hostname or IP address of VPN gateway of country <CC> |
<CC>.DispensationService.WSE | | URL for DispensationService of country <CC> |
PORTAL_ADMIN_PERMISSIONS | PRD-006,PRD-003,PRD-004,PRD-005,PRD-010,PRD-016,PPD-032,PPD-033 | Portal Administrator permissions (epSOS EED SAML Binding) |
PORTAL_CHECK_PERMISSIONS | FALSE | (? Check user permissions ?) |
PORTAL_CLIENT_CONNECTOR_URL | http://localhost:8080/epsos-client-connector/services/ClientConnectorService | URL of the web service exposed by epsos-client-connector to allow communication with the Portal |
PORTAL_CONSENT_ENABLED | TRUE | (? Activate Portal option to provide consent document ?) |
PORTAL_CONSENT_OID | | (? OID sent in Consent Submission ?) |
PORTAL_CUSTODIAN_NAME | <CountryCustodianName> | (? Name of organization ?) |
PORTAL_CUSTODIAN_OID | | (? Organization OID ?) |
PORTAL_DISPENSATION_COUNTRY | <CountryCode> | Country code according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (see e.g. Wikipedia for a list of possible values) |
PORTAL_DISPENSATION_OID | | (? OID of dispensation country ?) |
PORTAL_DOCTOR_OID | | (? Doctor OID ?) |
PORTAL_DOCTOR_PERMISSIONS | PRD-006,PRD-003,PRD-004,PRD-005,PRD-010,PRD-016,PPD-032,PPD-033 | Portal Doctor permissions (epSOS EED SAML Binding) |
PORTAL_ENTRY_OID | | (? Organization OID ?) |
PORTAL_HOSPITAL_OID | | (? Hospital OID ?) |
PORTAL_LEGAL_AUTHENTICATOR_CITY | <City> | (? Legal Authenticator City ?) |
PORTAL_LEGAL_AUTHENTICATOR_FIRSTNAME | <LegalAuthenticatorFirstname> | (? Legal Authenticator Firstname ?) |
PORTAL_LEGAL_AUTHENTICATOR_LASTNAME | <LegalAuthenticatorLastname> | (? Legal Authenticator Lasttname ?) |
PORTAL_LEGAL_AUTHENTICATOR_ORG_OID | | (? Legal Authenticator Organization OID ?) |
PORTAL_LEGAL_AUTHENTICATOR_PERSON_OID | | (? Legal Authenticator Personal OID ?) |
PORTAL_LEGAL_AUTHENTICATOR_POSTALCODE | N/A | (? Legal Authenticator Postal Code ?) |
PORTAL_NURSE_PERMISSIONS | PRD-006,PRD-004,PRD-010 | Portal Nurse permissions (epSOS EED SAML Binding) |
PORTAL_ORDER_OID | | (? OID of ordering country ?) |
PORTAL_PATIENTS_OID | | (? Patients OID ?) |
PORTAL_PATIENT_PERMISSIONS | PRD-006,PRD-003,PRD-004,PRD-005,PRD-010,PRD-016,PPD-032,PPD-033 | Portal Patient permissions (epSOS EED SAML Binding) |
PORTAL_PHARMACIES_OID | | (? Pharmacies OID ?) |
PORTAL_PHARMACIST_OID | | (? Pharmacist OID ?) |
PORTAL_PHARMACIST_PERMISSIONS | PRD-006,PRD-004,PRD-010,PPD-046 | Portal Pharmacist permissions (epSOS EED SAML Binding) |
PORTAL_PROPERTIES_UPDATED | TRUE | (? True if Portal properties were updated by Portal Configuration Portlet ?) |
secman.cert.validator.checkforkeyusage | FALSE | (? Determines if Security Manager validates certificate key usage extension ?) |
secman.digest.algorithm.default | http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1 | Security Manager digest algorithm |
secman.signature.algorithm.default | http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256 | Security Manager signature algorithm |
secman.sts.checkHostname | FALSE | (? Verify hostname when requesting assertion from TRC-STS ?) |