

Description of terms encountered in the framework of epSOS, EXPAND, OpenNCP, CEF eHealth DSI.


Term(Short of)InformationDetail Pages and External Resources
ATNAAudit Trail and Node AuthenticationThe Audit Trail and Node Authentication (ATNA) Integration Profile, part if the IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Framework, establishes security measures which, together with the Security Policy and Procedures, provide patient information confidentiality, data integrity and user accountability.http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=Audit_Trail_and_Node_Authentication
CEFConnecting Europe Facility Telecom Work Programme 2015 for Connecting Europe Facility.



Country A  The epSOS, EXPAND and OpenNCP jargon, the 'Country A' represents the e-services inter-operability PROVIDER country. Depending on the workflow level, it is the country, server or end-point the HAS the information that another end-points requests by contacting this node. 
Country B The epSOS, EXPAND and OpenNCP jargon, the 'B Country' represents the e-services inter-operability CLIENT country. Depending on the workflow level, it is the country, client node or end-point the WANTS the information that contact another end-points for requesting services. 
DSI (CEF)CEF Digital Service Infrastructures

A CEF Digital Service Infrastructure enables networked services to be delivered electronically, typically over the internet, providing cross-border inter-operable services for citizens, businesses and/or public authorities. eHealth is one of the new Digital Service Infrastructures of the CEF project.

eDelivery A CEF Building Block that enables secure and reliable exchange of structured, non-structured and/or binary data. Thematic DSIs such as eJustice, eProcurement, Social Security, etc. build their services by defining the content exchanged on top of eDelivery. 
eCRTSepSOS Central Reference Terminology Server

The eCRTS was based on HealthTerm, the proprietary terminology server developed by CareCom, a Danish software company member of the epSOS Industry team.

eHealth DSIeHealth Digital Service InfrastructureThe eHealth Digital Service Infrastructure (eHDSI or eHealth DSI) is the initial deployment and operation of services for cross-border health data exchange under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). eHDSI sets up and starts deploying the core and generic services, as defined in the CEF, for Patient Summary and ePrescription. The generic services are the necessary implementation of data exchange at country level, the core services at EU level1. These together enable the provision of Cross Border eHealth Information Services2 (CBeHIS).




eHNeHealth NetworkThe European Comission eHealth Network is a voluntary network, set up under article 14 of Directive 2011/24/EU. It provides a platform of Member States' competent authorities dealing with eHealth. The Joint Action supporting the eHealth Network (JAseHN) provides scientific and technical support to the Network. 
epSOS  http://www.epsos.eu/
EXPANDExpanding Health Data Interoperability Services

EXPAND is a European Thematic Network project that aims to address the challenge of preparing for the move from a set of point-solution pilots to a large-scale deployment of cross-border facilities that support Member States (MS) in delivering their local eHealth plans and providing cross-border care, as well as work towards assets maturity up to the launch of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).

It is the continuation of the epSOS/OpenNCP project guiding it into the CEF era. In other words, EXPAND frames to handover of the epSOS/OpenNCP project to DG SANTE, which is then to place the project under the CEF umbrella as DSI.


HCERHealthcare Encounter Report

The HCER service aims to inform the Country of Affiliation after a Patient Summary has been requested of the healthcare event that took place abroad. Informing the Country of Affiliation about a healthcare encounter in the Country of Treatment, of course, is done with the consent of the patient only.


HL7 Common Terminology Specifications

IHE Technical Frameworks The IHE Technical Frameworks, available for download below, are a resource for users, developers and implementers of healthcare imaging and information systems. They define specific implementations of established standards to achieve effective systems integration, facilitate appropriate sharing of medical information and support optimal patient care. They are expanded annually, after a period of public review, and maintained regularly by the IHE Technical Committees through the identification and correction of errata utilizing the IHE Change Proposal Process.http://www.ihe.net/Technical_Frameworks/
JAseHN Joint Action to support the eHealth NetworkThe eHealth Network is a voluntary network, set up under article 14 of Directive 2011/24/EU. It provides a platform of Member States' competent authorities dealing with eHealth. The Joint Action supporting the eHealth Network (JAseHN) provides scientific and technical support to the Network. 
NCPNational Contact Point  
MROMedication Related Overview

The MRO is a document for informational purposes only that supports all possible information that might be needed in the process of prescribing, dispensing (and possibly even administering) medication to the patient in a foreign country. The absolute minimum set of medical information in the MRO consists of all the coded prescriptions and medication dispenses available in country A. Other useful information for the medication process, such as allergies and intolerances, are in the extended data set of the MRO.

MTCepSOS Master Translation/Transcoding CatalogThe MVC data-set translated into all project client party languages. The data is accessed and maintained using the Terminology Access Services interface. 
MVCepSOS Master Value Set Catalog

A set of commonly understood and global medical terminology based on value extracted from officially
existing code systems in order to use for facilitation of inter-parties communication.

The content of the epSOS MVC serves as basis for translating to all MS languages, resulting in the epSOS Master Translation/Transcoding Catalogue (epSOS MTC).

NCPeHNational Contact Point (for eHealth)

An epSOS NCP is an organisation legally mandated by the appropriate authority of each PN to act as a bidirectional technical, organisational and legal interface between the existing different national functions and infrastructures. The NCP is legally competent to contract with other organizations in order to provide the necessary services, which are needed to fulfill the epSOS Use Cases. The epSOS NCP is identifiable in both the epSOS domain and in its national domain. It acts as a communication gateway and also as a mediator for L&R aspects of delivering epSOS Services. As such, an NCP is an active part of the epSOS environment if it is compliant to normative epSOS interfaces in terms of structure, behavior and security policy compliance.




OpenATNA OpenATNA is an implementation of an Audit Record Repository supporting RFC 3881 audit messages over BSD Syslog as well as RFC 5424-5426 (UDP and TLS).




OpenNCP Open-source and reference version of the NCP software developed in the framework of the epSOS project.


PKIPublic Key Infrastructure 

A Public Key Infrastructure is a set of hardware, software, people, policies, and procedures needed to create, manage, distribute, use, store, and revoke digital certificates and to manage public-key encryption.

SMLService Metadata LocatorIn the framework of CEF, a Service Metadata Locator compliant with the e-SENS profile of the OASIS Business Document Metadata Service Location (BDXL) specification. The SML is used to add, update and delete information about the participants' SMP location on a Domain Name System (DNS). The SML is centralised. 
SMPService Metadata PublisherA CEF Service Metadata Publisher compliant with the e-SENS profile of the OASIS Service Metadata Publishing (SMP) specification. The SMP is a register of the message exchange capabilities and location of participants. The SMP is usually distributed. 
TASTerminology Access Services

The Terminology Access Services provide the interface needed to perform semantically accurate, ‘on-the-fly’ language translation (in terms of the display name) of the coded elements present in the pivot documents from one Member State language to another, or from one code system to another if indicated in the epSOS Master Translation/ Transcoding Catalogue.

TESTATrans-European Services for Telematics between Administrations

TESTA is a communication platform to exchange electronic data between European and Member States administrations in a secure, reliable and efficient way. It is a VPN not routed via the internet, but providing its own network infrastructure.

TMTransformation ManagerThe Transformation Manager is responsible for data transformation from a national language to the epSOS Reference Terminology and from the epSOS Reference Terminology to a national language. It deals mainly with syntax of original content and epSOS pivot content making use of Terminology Services Access Manager component for trans-coding/translation of particular coded elements.https://openncp.atlassian.net/wiki/display/TM/Transformation+Manager
TRC-STSTreatment Relationship Confirmation issuing Security Token ServiceTRC-STS is a OpenNCP authentication service component named "Security Token Service" that issues "Treatment Relationship Confirmation" Assertions used by web-services OpenNCP clients to authenticate toward the node. It is an independent web application. TRC-STS is used by an epSOS NCP client such as a portal like OpenNCP Portal or epsos-web, which must include the TRC-STS client for retrieving the TRC Assertions from the Security Token Service. 
TSLOpen NCP Trusted Service ListsIn the context of OpenNCP, the Trusted Service Lists is the list of trusted country OpenNCP endpoint addresses, including their public keys. 
Trilium Bridge   
112 In 1991, the European Union established 112 as the universal emergency number for all its Member States. This number provides free 24/7 access to emergency services in all EU and EEA countries. Many neighboring countries have, or will implement 112 as well (Ukraine, Balkan Countries, Turkey, Russia, etc.). 





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