TSL Editor portlet edition

TSL Editor portlet edition

This new version of TSL Editor can be used from within Liferay Portal and offers a simple ui to prepare the TSL file and persist it in a local database. It offers an export functionality to tsl format. This application can handle multiple configurations (PPT and Production). The usage of this tool is quite easy and can be shortly described as followes:

  • First you have to create the Schema Information of your file which includes the user info from the user that is responsible for the creation of this file (name, address, email, country)

  • Then you describe the services that your country provides by entering the service endpoints, plus the set of certificates

  • Finally when you want to export the information as a tsl file you have to provide the keystore file (You don't have to pass any password in this form, as the password is retrieved via Configuration Manager Service). All this information is stored in the database.


Install the deployed portlet to Liferay (URL will be updated soon)

Create database tables inside Liferay Database using the following script

CREATE TABLE EPSOSService (serviceid bigint(19) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, environment varchar(255), VPNGatewayEndpoint varchar(255), PatientIdenitificationEndpoint varchar(255), OrderServiceEndpoint varchar(255), ConsentServiceEndpoint varchar(255), PatientServiceEndpoint varchar(255), DispensationServiceEndpoint varchar(255), VPNCertificate TEXT, SPCertificate TEXT, SCCertificate TEXT, NCPSignatureCertificate TEXT, CACertificate TEXT, DistributionPoints varchar(255), EPSOSSchemaInformationschemaid bigint(19) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (serviceid));
CREATE TABLE EPSOSSchemaInformation (schemaid bigint(19) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, language varchar(2), countryCode varchar(2), SchemeName varchar(255) DEFAULT 'NCP-Service Status List:' NOT NULL, SchemeOperatorName varchar(255), StreetAddress varchar(255), Locality varchar(255), PostalCode varchar(255), CountryName varchar(255), emailAddress varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY (schemaid));
CREATE TABLE EPSOSServiceLog (logId bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, logDate datetime NOT NULL, logDateEnd datetime NULL, serviceCode varchar(50) NOT NULL, description text, status int(10) DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (logId));
ALTER TABLE EPSOSService ADD INDEX FKEPSOSServi675850 (EPSOSSchemaInformationschemaid), ADD CONSTRAINT FKEPSOSServi675850 FOREIGN KEY (EPSOSSchemaInformationschemaid) REFERENCES EPSOSSchemaInformation (schemaid);

SMP Server Configuration

SMP_SERVER_URL, http://ehealth.smp.e-sens.gr
SMP_SERVER_USENAME, ehealth-user

How to check that the files upload


Source code of smp client can be found here: https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/svn/cipaedelivery/tags/2.2.4/cipa-core/Implementation/java/


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