20151106 - Meeting minutes, Friday, November 06th, 2015 - OpenNCP Technical Meeting

OpenNCP Technical Meeting


Estimated - 10:00 to 11:00 CET

Performed - 10:00 to 11:00 CET


1. Housekeeping (Rui)

2. Developments status

a. Non-Rep (Tech Committee + Alexandre + EC Team)

b. CDA Display Tool + Model Based Validator

4. AOB


  •   Adobe Connect


Today's Meeting Participants:

Rui Alves (Unlicensed) 

Joao Cunha

Alexandre Santos


Marco Bernardini


Heiko Zimmermann


Kostas Karkaletsis

Stéphane Spahni


Invited Members List:

Licinio Kustra Mano

Marcello Melgara 

Konstantin Hyppönen



1. Housekeeping (Rui)


2. Developments status

a. Evidence Emmitter - Storing Evidences (Tech Committee + Alexandre + EC Team)

  • Since there seem to be no resources free to implement targeted solution until the Expandathon and as Stéphane checked that Gazelle - Expandathon tests are not affected by this, it is kept as validation of the XML files only, the decision was:
    • Do further specification
      • Communication via WS-Interfaces is preferred for storing and retrieving the information
      • Separate database scheme with additional tables to store tokens
      • No modification on current ATNA logging
    • Start to implement this by Team from Markus, but not with the targeted milestone Expandathon
    • Kostas and Heiko should support


  • Kostas: In general a system for asynchronus storage of logging information would be helpful (this was also written in the Matrix for the further developments)



b. CDA Display Tool + Model Based Validator

    • Kostas Karkaletsis will perform tcon with Giorgio Cangioli beginning of next week to get informed about the changes and to get clear picture about the modifications needed
    • Maybe it will be possible to give a feedback to the Team at the TC Tcon next week.


3. AOB


  • What is needed for Expandathon:
    • MVC 2.0
    • Modification in CDA-Display Tool and Gazelle Validators related to the changes in CDA spec for PS
    • LARM + LARMS
  • Current Terminologyserver of PPT environment (hosted ad Conet) is used for synchro of Terminologies ?


4. Next Meeting(?)


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