20150806 - Meeting minutes, Thursday, August 6th, 2015 - OpenNCP - Installation Manual Consolidation

OpenNCP - Installation Manual Consolidation


Estimated - 13:00 to 14:00 CEST

Performed - 13:00 to 14:30 CEST


1) Feedback review installation manual



- Wiki+ WorkBench + AdobeConnect


Today's Meeting Participants: (To be updated)

Rui Alves (Unlicensed)

Joao Cunha


Yacoubou Waolany

Alen Vrecko (Unlicensed)

Tomaž Zupan

[holidays] Michèle Foucart

[holidays] Stephane Spanhi


Invited Members List:

Licinio Mano

Alexandre Santos


Marko Peric

Heiko Zimmermann

Kostas Karkaletsis

Markus Kalliola

Robert Scharinger

Thomas Fleischman

Sandra Klimmecek

Marcello Melgara




1) Feedback review Installation manual

Installation Manual - OpenNCP: https://openncp.atlassian.net/wiki/x/ZgCp

The Installation Manual Review: https://openncp.atlassian.net/wiki/x/VoBoAw


  • Joao Cunha provided guidance to his comments and made an overview on the comments added from S and Alen Vrecko (Unlicensed):
    • The review of the manual and the comments made and added in the review page should be a team work, and so, be revised by all the community, including the TECH COMMITEE...
    • Section 1: JDK 1.7 is an advise, as 1.8 may not work...
    • Section 2:Alen Vrecko (Unlicensed) suggests that this info should be placed in section 4 (section for becomes section 3 in consequence), as this information for someone new is isollated and out of context.
    • Section 3: Need to compile this into the Installation Manual
      • Joao Cunha: We should leave this question open until we have this knowledge.
      • S: We should update the .zip file.
      • The OID is important as well
      • 3.1 - Alen Vrecko (Unlicensed): Link to Installation Manual (IM) Overview on the beginning of the manual, for sake of understanding of the whole picture - we started by the IM not having seen the IM Overview before...
      • 3.2 - Help needed from Stéphane Spahni.
        • S to update properties.
      • 3.3 - Keystores - Needed inputs from Stéphane Spahni.
        • S: We could make a summary about Keystores and Truststores...
    • Section 4:
      • 4.2 - Joao CunhaWe need to write something about this point... Like screenshots of the TSL-Editor explaining the configurations available there.
        • epSOS Deliverable 3.4.2 may help - it has the structure of the TSL files...
        • Some fields must have specifi values - we SHOULD take a look in this section and assess if we can add somethingto the manual.
      • 4.5 - Kostas Karkaletsis and the TECH COMMITEE may provide helpful tips here...
      • 4.7 - Joao CunhaThis was the most confusing section for me... Did I miss something to add in the Manual revieew?
        • S: Guess the review is complete.
      • 4.8 - Joao Cunha and SWe need to know the right direction to move about how can we build the National Connector...
        • There is something on Developer's Corner about this...
        • S will try to recover this page, if doubts persist, we'll need to ask TECH COMMITEE assistance...
    • Section 5: 
      •  None of us needed to pass through this part... For now, it remains as it is.

  • Review from Alen Vrecko (Unlicensed)'s Comments:
    • "A link to "OpenNCP Installation Overview" should be available somewhere in the beginning of the manual, e.g. before proceeding with the installation please refer to "OpenNCP Installation Overview" for the basic information about the OpenNPC installation and OpenNPC architecture."

      • Joao Cunha: we should put it at the very beginning...

      • S: Should these 2 pages be merged? The IM and the IM Overview?

        • Joao Cunha: It is possible and makes sense... We need to look as it is and if it is updated...
    • "Section 2, Obtain artifacts lists the artifacts which are not mentioned in section 3, but only later, in section 4. We suggest to MOVE the whole section under section "4. Install and setup components" (this will make it section 3), e.g. 4.1 (3.1) and RENAME to "List of NPC Artifacts"
      • We should move section 2 to section 4.
    • "Are you supposed to execute this script manually or is it being executed automatically during the process of installation? Maybe just add a line explaining that."
      • Joao Cunha: We should explain how to run the script (4.3)...
    • "Sections 4.4, 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7 are all describing instructions of necessary installations, but they lack of explanation of their purpose."
      • Alen Vrecko (Unlicensed): We need to explain the purpose of some points...
      • Joao Cunha: Some are in the IM Overview... Should we add in the IM Overview? Or directly in the IM?

    • IPSec...
  • Related ISSUES
    • OPENNCP-39 - Getting issue details... STATUS Help with OpenNCP installation: OpenATNA,
    • OPENNCP-8 - Getting issue details... STATUS OpenNCP Installation Manual Improvement: TSL Properties
    • OP-5 - Getting issue details... STATUS Installation notes for the log viewer
    • COMA-10 - Getting issue details... STATUS Update the epsos configuration zip file in installation manual at the wiki
    • Joao Cunha Investigated the issues
      • 1 of them is already addressed in the current installation manual;
      • 3 will be resolved with review.

Work Planning for next weeks:

Since we're facing holiday season, the work will inevitably go slower...

  • S and @Yacoubou Waolany will try to gather the information of the Intallation Manual Review, comments section and today's discussion to make a draft version of the Installation Manual (S expressed time constraints, possibly only in September)
    • While gethering this info, will try to gather as well the questions to be addressed to the TECH COMMITEE for the Manual Improvement... 
      • Purpose is top clearly identify the open topics to question the TECH COMMITEE in further meetings.
    •  Joao Cunha and Alen Vrecko (Unlicensed) keep the work when returning from holidays.


(FROM LAST MEETING) Licinio Kustra Mano: How to provide an easier way to install the NCP?

1) Should we have a Virtual Machine with the NCP prepared, that new people install NCP more easily?

2) Alexandre Santos has been preparing a new solution (based on Docker): easier install process?

    • Deployed an OpenNCP (except the Portal) with Docker... all components have been separated in containers.
    • It is working and can be demonstrated.
    • Thomas Fleischmann: recognises the possible value on docker, but recommend that firstly we should have a VM and than we can think on a more sophisticated deployment mechanism.
    • Licinio Kustra Mano: After the revision of the manual: maybe we should move to a solution like this.
    • Marcello Melgara: reminded that the effort of creating a more automated mechanism for deploying, should also take in consideration who are the beneficiaries that can gain with it? 
      • how many other MS can beficiate from this?
      • How much effort is needed and shouldn't we place that effort in other priorities?

Licinio Kustra Mano will invite: Steen Manniche and Konstantin Hyppönen to give a loon on the review proposal.

Next Meeting:

      • Next meeting will happen on Sept, date to be scheduled in a next BiWeekly Meeting.