20150727 - Meeting minutes, Monday, July 27th, 2015 - OpenNCP Community meeting (BiWeekly)

OpenNCP Community meeting (BiWeekly)

27th July

Estimated - 13:00 to 14:30 CEST

Performed - 13:00 to 14:30 CEST


1. Governance

2. Support

3. Development

4. AOB



- Wiki+ WorkBench + AdobeConnect


Today's Meeting Participants:

Licinio Kustra Mano

Stéphane Spahni



Natasha Carl

Joao Cunha

Alexandre Santos

Heiko Zimmermann

Ioannis Petrakis

(apologies) Kostas Karkaletsis

Isabel Cruz

(holidays) Rui Alves (Unlicensed) 


Invited Members List:

Marcello Melgara 

@Gwenaelle Quivy

@Alen Vrecko 

@Tomaz Cebular 

Thomas Fleischmann 

@Robert Scharinger

Alexander Berler (Unlicensed) 

Igor Ljubi (Unlicensed) 

Markus (Unlicensed) 

@Yacoubou Waolany

Marko Peric

Massimiliano Masi 

@Karima Bourquard 

Steen Manniche 

Konstantin Hyppönen 

Marcelo Fonseca 

Gottfried Heider (Unlicensed) 

Ivo Pinheiro 

Jürgen Wehnert 

@Dimitrios G. Katehakis

Olaf Rode (Unlicensed) 

@Agius Muscat Hugo

Kenn Nielsen (Unlicensed) 

Soeren Bittins 

Gareth Woodham 

Fredrik Linden (Unlicensed)

Samuel Danhardt (Unlicensed) 

Giorgio Cangioli

Jussi Lemmetty (Unlicensed) 

Aarne Roosi (Unlicensed)

Arnaud Gaudinat (Unlicensed) 

Hrvoje Belani (Unlicensed)

Héja Gergely (Unlicensed) 

Oskari Kettinen (Unlicensed)

Maarten Festen (Unlicensed)

Mate Beštek (Unlicensed) 

@Norbert Repas

@Patrick Ruch

@Catherine Chronaki

@Matic Meglic

@Merik Seven

@João Francisco Marques

@Philippe Loopuyt 


Stathis Andronikos (Unlicensed)

@Luca Pagliara

OpenNCP Community Governance: 

  • From Jan. 2015 to Dec. 2015;
    • Nominated OpenNCP Committees: https://openncp.atlassian.net/wiki/x/DYANAg
    • Scope OpenNCP in EXPAND
      1. Take the OpenNCP to the next version;
      2. Assist and resolve any support issues that may arise;
      3. Handover to (DG-SANTÉ) for long term sustainability organisation;




  • Budget mechanisms:
    • We are loosing Industry partners, since we are not able to keep their willingness to continue participating, mainly due to not being able to provide financial funds for development activities.
      • Industry Partners should address EXPAND for any type of answers and clarifications regarding this topic.
  • Handover to EC:
    • Building the roadmap to close the handover
      • Come back to this point when Markus (Unlicensed) returns from holidays (first week of August).

  • Expectations from participating in OpenNCP Community from: HR, AT, SI, allowing them to share there expectations and goals with the participation at the OpenNCP Community;
    • Postponing for Septembers.

  • Intro to EXPANDATHON;
    • 9h to 11th of December:
    • GOAL: To allow MS to gather evidences of their technical efforts and readiness for deploying cross border care services, supporting them to prepare for the CEF eHealth DSI.

    • Make it very clear if there is or the is not a country registration fee.
      • Where: Lisbon
      • Monitors: If EC would like to have the role of Monitor? michele.foucart Will brainstorm with Markus.

2. SUPPORT (https://openncp.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=2)

2.1 Migration to WebLogic (EC)

Issue introduced by Markus: see Discussion points Monday OpenNCP.docx (point 2)

Support issue:  OPENNCP-74 - Getting issue details... STATUS

S will update the issue in the board.


2.2 Others

Support issue:  OPENNCP-54 - Getting issue details... STATUS

    • michele.foucart: some contents have already been migrated to bamboo. 
      • If the testes going well with bamboo.
      • Guestimate on when will the new instance of OpenNCP CI be available: 17th of  August for the Migration.
      • There may be some limitations on allowing access from external partners...
      • Isabel Cruz: installed a plugin in Jenkins to allow direct access to home folder for EC team. A ZIP file from the HOME folder (huge size)
      • Alexandre Santos: The next release of the OpenNCP influence mainly the OpenNCP Portal. For that the CI value added is lower.


Support issue:  TSYNC-7 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Marcello Melgara: There is an known issue about the TSYNC on updating the LTR incrementally. The resolution passes by reseting the LRT and load the inform.

S: no news on that.


3. DEVELOPMENT (https://openncp.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=1)

3.1 Proxy configuration (EC)

Issue introduced by Markus: see Discussion points Monday OpenNCP.docx (point 1)

Development Issue:  OPENNCP-75 - Getting issue details... STATUS

    • S: will provide the information for closing the issue.
    • Alexandre Santos: expressed that the developer should take in consideration the branching/forking methodology from the OpenNCP Community.
      • Any doubts, please ask to Technical Committee or Alexandre on how to do it.
      •  Kostas Karkaletsis: please help Alexandre understand how this code has been submitted to the repositories.


3.2 e-SENS: SMP

Related material: e-SENS: ABB and Configuration Services (into CS): https://openncp.atlassian.net/wiki/x/j4DyAg

  • The epSOS specifications for the Central Services are totally different from the currently implemented solution.
  • After several meetings, the finding was no one had a clear view on what is the current architecture on the Central Services... only knowledge regarding the the use that is being given at the (TSL-Editor and TSL- Sync.)
  • During current week Joao Cunha will start sharing some conclusions after talking with CONET the current provider of this services.

3.3 e-SENS: eID

    • LARMS, Local Attribute Retrieval and Mapping Services
      • Alexandre Santos
        • Last week Soeren made available the source code for the Future ID Client (hat includes the LARMS add-on);
        • The source code is available in private repositories at the openNCP repositories, since it is based on openIDCard that is based on the GPL V2 licence.
          • Some issues need to be tackle to make it more flexible (e.g. ASL v2).
        • Estimate for Release Candidate: by the end of current week (31st July).


3.4 Trillium Bridge Transformer

    • Is there any component that could enhance the OpenNCP Bundle?
      • If yes, what is the best strategy for integration it.
      • ++++++
      • Marcello Melgara: Trillium Bridge Patient Mediated way of loading document
        •  Patient Access:
          • No merge has happened from trillium bridge;
          • What about the Transformer?
            • Kostas Karkaletsis: the component has been developed by Kaiser Permanente, so so far we have access only to Artefacts, not to the source code.
            • Marcello Melgara: write some paragraphs on the strategic importance of that component so that it can be used for initial conversations with Trillium and other EU-US MoU.
      • +++++++
    • Licinio Kustra Mano
      • let's request more input from Marcello Melgara and Kostas Karkaletsis regarding source code, specification and any other technical documentation relevant for maintenance and deployment of this component.


4. AOB

OpenNCP - Installation Manual Consolidation [assigned task force]: Thursday 28th July, 13h00 CEST

OpenNCP - Integration eID [for task force]: Thursday 30th July, 13h00 CEST

OpenNCP - Continuous Integration [assigned task force]: 31st July, 13h00 CEST

OpenNCP - Development Roadmap analysis [for Technical Committee]: Mon, Aug 3th 2015 13:00 CEST

    • What should we foresee in the development roadmap of OpenNCP. Stéphane Spahni: Update eMedication, MRO. 

OpenNCP - Integration SMP [for task force]: Tuesday 5th Aug, 13h00 CEST

OpenNCP - Governance and hand over [for Steering Committee]: Thursday 6th Aug, 13h00 CEST

OpenNCP - Community Meeting BiWeekly [open]: Mon, Aug 10th 2015 13:00 CEST

  • Natasha Carl and michele.foucart: Security at the participant list, maybe we can find a better way of communication who was in the meeting, without exposing the email address.