20140922 - Meeting minutes, Monday, September 22nd, 2014 - OpenNCP Community: Weekly meeting

OpenNCP Community: Weekly meeting

Originally schedule for: 8th September 14:30 to 15:30  CET 

Postponed: 22nd September 14:30 to 15:30  CET 


a) OpenNCP Governance (materialization progress, and asset register review)
b) Developments Planning (common efforts: e-SENS, Trillium Bridge)
c) Support Actions
e) AOB




- Confluence + Boards + GoToMeeting


Today's Meeting Participants:

Licinio Mano <licinio.mano@spms.min-saude.pt>,

Marcelo Fonseca <marcelo.fonseca@iuz.pt>,

Ivo Pinheiro <ivo.pinheiro@iuz.pt>, 

Stéphane Spahni <stephane.spahni@hcuge.ch>,

Alexander Berler <a.berler@gnomon.com.gr>,

Marcello Melgara <Marcello.Melgara@cnt.lispa.it>,

Invited Members List:

Isabel Cruz <isabel.cruz@iuz.pt>,

Juergen Wehnert <juergen.wehnert@gematik.de>,

Kostas Karkaletsis <k.karkaletsis@gnomon.com.gr>,

Ioannis Petrakis <petrakis@ics.forth.gr>, 

Konstantin Hypponen <konstantin.hypponen@kela.fi>,

Dimitrios G. Katehakis <katehaki@ics.forth.gr>,

Olaf Rode olaf.rode@fokus.fraunhofer.de>,

Thomas Fleischmann <thomas.fleischmann@bmg.gv.at>,

Heiko Zimmermann <Heiko.Zimmermann@agence-esante.lu>,

Robert Scharinger' <Robert.Scharinger@bmg.gv.at>,

Gottfried Heider <gottfried.heider@ehealthcon.at>,

Agius Muscat Hugo at MEH-IMU-Health <hugo.agius-muscat@gov.mt>,

Kenn Schultz Nielsen <KSN@ssi.dk>,

Sören Bittins <soeren.bittins@fokus.fraunhofer.de>,

Gareth Woodham <Gareth.Woodham@apotekensservice.se>,

Fredrik Linden <fredriklinden1@gmail.com>,

Karima Bourquard <karima.bourquard@ihe-europe.net>,

Samuel Danhardt <Samuel.Danhardt@agence-esante.lu>,

Giorgio Cangioli <giorgio.cangioli@gmail.com>,

Jussi Lemmetty <jussi.lemmetty@kela.fi>

Aarne Roosi <Aarne.Roosi@affecto.com>,

Anders Nyström <Anders.Nystrom@apotekensservice.se>,

Arnaud Gaudinat <arnaud.gaudinat@hesge.ch>,

Belani Hrvoje <Hrvoje.Belani@hzzo.hr>,

Gergely Heja <heja.gergely@eski.hu>,

Ljubi Igor <Igor.Ljubi@hzzo.hr>,

Oskari Kettinen <oskari.kettinen@kela.fi>,

Maarten Festen <maarten.festen@ihe-europe.net>

Mate Beštek <mate.bestek@gmail.com>,

Norbert Repas <norbert.repas@elga.gv.at>,

Patrick Ruch <Patrick.Ruch@unige.ch>,

Tomaz Cebular <Tomaz.Cebular@ivz-rs.si>,

Steen Manniche <steen@manniche.net>,

Catherine Chronaki<chronaki@gmail.com>,

Matic Meglic<matic.meglic@nijz.si>,

Mate Beštek <matebestekpro@gmail.com>,

Merik Seven <seven@nictiz.nl>,

Diogo Reis <diogo.reis@spms.min-saude.pt>,

NEPC_TechLead@epsos.eu <NEPC_TechLead@epsos.eu>,

epSOS NEPC <nepc@epsos.eu>,



0) House Keeping

  • Licinio Kustra Mano: We should organize the community in way that more that one 1 person can start and orchestrate an online meeting.

    • For sustainability purposes, the Tcon organization should be a straightforward process and known by several Community members.

a) OpenNCP Community Governance

  • Governance materialization progress
    • EXPAND WP5 need to get deep hand on this in order to consolidate the governance structure of OpenNCP Community;
  • Liaison with eHN SG for upkeep eHealth Services (no update since last meeting)
    • The "Temporary Legal Agreement" is already circulating by the countries, for their approval and signing;
      • CH and PT have already received it. 
    • The "Restart services operation guide" is being reviewed according to IHE services proposal for intermediation platform;
      • No PN has received it.

  • EXPAND - Interoperable asset register (http://interoperabilityassets.ramit.be)


b) Developments Planning 

  • Trillium Bridge:

    • Preparing the demonstration for October.... HP mediated scenario (EU patient and US patient);
      • development phases: a) mock integration; b) real integration;
      • trying so isolate the developments, in order to keep changes well identified so that in the future the code can be merged.
      • OPENNCP-67 - Getting issue details... STATUS
        • MASTER: 2.1.1 (bug fixing)
        • Development: 2.2.0 (will merge features from other branches)
          • Trillium Bridge - specific branch
          • Stork - specific branch
          • e-SENS - specific branch
    • The code integration should be made according the the governance structure for the OpenNCP to be established with EXPAND; 
  • e-SENS

    • Retrospective on 11th and 12th of September meeting,  e-SENS WP5.2 eHealth Domain
      • There is some work that needs to be done in order to adjust and integrate the generic BB to the OpenNCP.
      • WP5.2 Meeting for the 29th September 


    • A proposal has been presented by some industry partners to the project (recently).
    • ..




c) Support actions

  • 26th of September (Brussels), Workshop between CEF eHealth DSI, eSENS, STORK 2.0 and EXPAND

  • EC - Issues on instantiation of the OpenNCP
    • OPENNCP-64 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      • EXPAND WP5: look for effort and skills to answer to these security questions.

  • Certificates - NCP Installation
  • IHE 2014 Connectathon Results
    • CLOSED by nature, means epSOS is not there any more. Is there any need for this info?
  • epSOS Documentation
    •  Update epSOS Technical Presentation.


  • Licinio Kustra Mano: SPMS requested (to iUZ) a delay on the CI migration until the end of September 2014.
    • Most probably it will not happen in Spetember (SPMS will provide a 2 week notice before the work to be done);


d) AOB

  • Liaison with other projects

    • (There is a list of 40 projects running in EU HealthCare - EHR4CR.... reuse the OpenNCP)
    • eGovLab
    • PARENT - Patient Registries
      • OpenNCP as base technology for exchanging information between Registries.
      • Review a specification document for Tendering...



today meeting actions

  • Licinio Kustra Mano Schedule next meeting: 29th of September(Monday) from >> 13:00 to 14:00 (CET) 

previously identified actions - keep track

  • Licinio Kustra Mano Ask for CH access to draft documents (RESTART - TLA) to eHN SG Chair, and reinforce CH role and authorization to pilot in epSOS
  • Jürgen Wehnert: Provide the possible insight on the document that is being written (EXPAND WP5 on technical) and how it is important for the OpenNCP Community
  • Licinio Kustra Mano: Update the Manifesto page with feedback after EXPAND WP5 KickOff;
  • Licinio Kustra Mano: Obtain EXPAND WP5 Proposals towards Governance and Manifesto + engaging EXPAND WP5 team members.;
  • Licinio Kustra Mano: Prepare a list of OpenNCP running instances + contact points;
  • Licinio Kustra Mano: Compile and re-assemble presentations, making them available in PDF format.
  • Licinio Kustra Mano: Update the Athens event page with all the highlights, so that the page can be distributed (with the PDF) for dissemination purposes.