XCA Service

XCA Service

XCA Service Interface Implementation

XCA service is responsible for processing patient summary and ePrescription requests. It implements two operations: query() and retrieve(). The query() operation returns the list of documents, and the retrieve() operation returns a single requested document.

XCA service implementation preprocesses incoming requests and communicates with the national connector in order to return answers. It validates assertions and communicates with the PDP implementation, which is  provided nationally.


Version 0.2.0

by SRDC, Kela, Apotekens service

Initial commit by SRDC, ePrescription implementation by Kela and Apotekens service, PS and eP integration.


  • Patient summary functionality implementation
  • ePrescription functionality implementation
  • Changes to the server side interfaces (communication between NCP and NI)

No version bumps since original SRDC commit.