Estimated: 14:00 to 15:00 CET.

Performed: 14:00 to 14:45 CET


  1. Outcome of the study
    1.  Feedback user testing
    2. Executive summary
  2. eHOMB decision
  3. Next steps
  4. Next meetings

Room Passcode:  markus.kalliola or michele.foucart
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Giorgio Cangioli


Marta Terron Cuadrado

Peter Haas

Robert Muetzner


Luc Mottin

Marcello Melgara



Meeting Notes:

  1. Outcome of the study
    1.  Feedback user testing
      1. Please see Giorgio's report

      2. Did not evaluate the capability of the system of handing MVC 2.0
      3. Problems with the import of special characters
      4. OID
      5. Capability to update code systems - sometimes it is useful to change a code system without changing code system version
      6. Administration capability - see if this feature could be allowed for other kinds of roles
        1. Some actions could be performed by several kinds of resources
        2. Open questions of how to take advantage of code system import
      7. Translations: same kind of problems as with Carecom for translations in bulgarian and in spanish
        1. Is it possible to assign a translation not to a specific language but for a specific language use in the country (e.g. US EN, CA EN, US EN)
        2. Use of language ISO
        3. Assign designation
      8. Mapping
        1. Giorgio was not able to complete the process; it has been tested by Marta and Marco
      9. Exporting value set
      10. Import of translations
        1. No problem with the characters
        2. Same question as for other functionalities - authorization/role
        3. Would be good to have some status handled to support the different translations phases: reviewed, approved...
      11. Audit log...
      12. In epSOS there were 2 different scopes: preparation test environment and eHealth integration environment
        1. We need to figure out how this would be handled
      13. User context 
      14. Critical functionalities
        1. Mapping import
        2. Profiling, granting, auditing of the actions and minimum workflow management
        3. Differentiate official release + what is part of the extension per country
        4. Preparation test environment and eHealth integration environment
    2. Executive summary

  2. eHOMB decision: Host the terminology server at EC and further develop the functionalities that are not yet covered, especially with regards to user/profile and auditing of actions...
  3. Next steps: List the requirements (based on input from the tests) and prioritize them using Moscow method.
  4. Next meetings: will be organized ad hoc.