eID task force meeting.


Estimated: 16:00 to 17:00 CEST.

Performed: 16:05 to 17:00 CEST


  1. Debrief from eHOMB, e-SENS eID, Health pilot F2F meetings;

  2. Plan joint efforts towards eID Level 4 and 5 integration into openNCP.
  3. Next Steps


Room Passcode:  Ask if necessary michele.foucart or markus.kalio
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Licinio Kustra Mano


Marcello Melgara

Massimiliano Masi

Soeren Bittins



Meeting Notes:

Debrief from eHOMB, e-SENS eID and Health pilot F2F meetings

  1.  eHOMB meeting
  2.  eSENS/JASeHn eID focus meeting eHealth face 2 face
  3.  eHMSEG 

Update on how things are going from a vision point of view and start to have the visibility on the other initiatives, especially eID study conducted by DIGIT (conclusion end of June, beginning of July):

Plan joint efforts towards eID Level 4 and 5 integration into openNCP.


LEVELDescriptionBB Dev STATUSOpenNCP Integration StatusOpen Issues
Level 0 – manual input of ID – traditional epSOS

This is the most basic level of identification. It only requires the Health Professional to identify the patient by requesting his/her ID, and enter it manually in the system. This is the approach used in the epSOS pilot.

The main advantage of this level is in an emergency setting where no other method of identification and authentication is available. 

Level 1 – Passive read of eID token – e-SENS LARMS

This level requires the existence of an eID token, usually this token is a smart card. The token has identification attributes that can be publicly read.

In the eSENS project the asset used provide this level is the e-SENS Local Attribute Mapping and Retrieval Service (LARMS). This level is safer than the previous, because of the input of the identification is automatic and not manual. 

Level 2 – Localy signed eID with token – e-SENS LAM

This level also requires the existence of an eID token, as the previous on, but this token has to be capable of patient authentication, usually by entering a PIN code.

In the eSENS project the asset used provide this level is e-SENS Local Authentication Module (e-SENS LAM) with the Digital Signature Add-On (DSig).

Signing of a patient consent is made possible with the introduction of this level.

This level is safer than the previous, because the introduction of the identification attributes is authenticated by the patient. In this level, as well in the previous ones, a network connection is not needed. The inexistence of a network connection, and thus the connectivity to a PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) to validate this authentication is a liability, which, however, can be mitigated by the signature and certificate validation performed through the ACS in country-A. Consequently, it is possible to issue a mismatched data disclosure request (e.g. signing with a certificate of someone else) or using an irregular certificate (e. g. suspended) in country-B but it should not be able to successfully pass ACS inspection in A.


1st Step:

  • provision of authenticated attributes

2nd Step:

  • Capability of signing the SAML assertion created by the TRC service, with the certificates of the SmartCard instead of using the NCP certificates.

Issues identified on:

--- https://openncp.atlassian.net/projects/EID/issues/EID-1?filter=allopenissues

Licinio Kustra Mano: decision was taken regarding including eID Level 2 on the OpenNCP 2.4.0.

-- So far this is the best ever released version of OpenNCP;

Level 3 – Localy signed eID with realtime validation – LAM+This level has the same functionality of the previous, but with the availability of a network connection and connectivity to the required PKI infrastructures. This level mitigates the liability introduced in the previous level. So the validation of the authentication of identification and patient consents is possible.- Full advantage of having access to Country A to validate the identification and signature of certificates.

- Codification of attributes, with STorK and eIDAS there is a limitation on the attributes can be coded (Doctor name), that causes loss of semantic on the exchange of the information. - Wow can the eIDAS token support this requirements? "http://www.futureid.eu/attributes/common/cardIssuerCountry":"it", "http://www.futureid.eu/attributes/cardType":"it-cns", "http://www.futureid.eu/attributes/common/healthInsuranceId":{"urn:oid:":"030225BM526"}, "http://www.stork.gov.eu/1.0/surname":"INCONTATTOZERO", 

  • @Alice: Will be following this up. Report on (4th and 5th February workshop: focused on the adapter from STorK 2 to eIDAS)
  • Soeren Bittins: Prepare problem Statement.
Level 4 – Distributed Cross-Border Authentication (DCA)

This level introduces the e-SENS Authentication Broker, that is leveraged by the STORK 2.0/ eIDAS infrastructure. All authentication and authorisation activities are fulfilled outside of the local environment based on an initial authentication information acquired locally from an eID token.

If interested, MS need to provide the following information:

Access to Stork 2 instance (DE is not part of the system)

  • Currently is being evaluated by a German partner access to eIDAS service in Germany.

For sake of integration, can we work with a citizen from a different nationality with a Stork 2 system running.

  • For testing purposes STorK: @Alice may point the eSENS eID for eHealth, to a test environment so that development activities can proceed.
Level 5 – Virtual eID (mobile eID)

This level leverages the previous by giving the possibility of authentication and authorisation on without the need of a physical eID token, just using a mobile app a smartphone with a virtual token, specifically developed for this. 

If interested, MS need to provide the following information:

  • ....


  • Soeren Bittins is currently studying materials that just came out recently published materials from e-SENS. Follow up in next meeting.

Next Steps:

  1. Meetings:
      1. Next meeting:
        1.  16:00 to 17:00 CEST.
        2. Update on legal issue + eID DIGIT report