Estimated: 13:00 to 14:00 CET.

Performed: 13:00 to 13:50 CET.


  1. Housekeeping
  2. Status
    1. Gap analysis FH Dortmund Terminology Server
      1. Uses cases - import
      2. Data
    2. Synchronization FH with OpenNCP in compliance with CTS2
    3. Management of the different code systems
  3. Next meetings

Room Passcode:  markus.kalliola or michele.foucart
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Giorgio Cangioli

Marta Terron Cuadrado

Marco Bernardini

Peter Haas

Robert Muetzner

Luc Mottin


Support documents:

Data model: /wiki/spaces/ncp/pages/80281625

/wiki/spaces/ncp/pages/77758510 : 3 documents:

Meeting Notes:

  1. Housekeeping

  2. Status
    1. Gap analysis FH Dortmund Terminology Server
      1. Uses cases -
        1. importing data. Import of a code system (ICD and ATC) from the CLAMs'file on a local instance
          1. issue on import of value set
      2. Data
        1. Looking on data in DB
        2. Looking further mapping between LTR data base & what we need to have with FHD
    2. Synchronization FH with OpenNCP in compliance with CTS2
      1. Giorgio Cangioli shared epSOS documentation on TSAM composant
        1. Did not find the detailed technical specs of the API. Giorgio Cangioli
          1. Doc as starting point to undersand how it works: How the components in NCP are organized and work : TSAM, TSAM-sync, LTR...
            1. Missing part is the detailed specs of the API => cf. previous point
          2. Peter Haas: How compliant is the documentation? Giorgio Cangioli snswers that it SHOULD be compliant to. What is missing is the actual call done to retrieve the info from the central server. Less details on the synchronization part => See previous points
          3. Components impacted by the implementation of a new TS:
            1. In current phase: TSAM-sync. no impact on the other components in a first phase ( if we want to replicate current features of current NCP).
            2. If we would like to include additional capabilities e.g. possib of having value sets derivefd from different code systems - update LTR structure + update oder components.
    3. Management of the different code systems
      1. Organizational licences and agreement => out of scope => a sub-group on terminology of MS experts has been set up during the last eHMSEG, and will make a proposal for June
      2. Technical part: support different formats, type of information etc; For the migration and for the future arrangements => in scope
        1. file format
        2. How to import
        3. what is the update mechanism (e.g; 2 release of code systems; others might have continuous updates...)
        4. etc.
  3. Next meetings 12:00 am CET