

Estimated - 13:00 to 14:00 CET

Performed - 13:10 to 13:45 CET


Status of eID


Today's Meeting Participants:

Alexandre Santos

Massimiliano Masi

Natasha Carl

Ioannis Petrakis

Joao Cunha



0. Introduction

Earlier this week, Sören Bittins (Frauenhofer) sent a status of the eID current integration effort by mail. This work is executed as part of the eSENS WP 5.2 and is actually not done in the framework of the OpenNCP project itself. It allows however to test eID integration is a live project and is thus beneficial for booth sides. 

1. Status

Alexandre Santos:

The implementation shown at the Lisbon Connecathon, December 2015, is finished. The tests included patients using their smart cards to obtain access token (assertions).

A series of JIRA issues have been created to frame the tasks to perform on the component side. 

All developments have been made available in the OpenNCP git repository.

A larger task to be performed is the integration into the OpenNCP portal POCs, however the current security issues are of priority in terms of development. Moreover, DG SANTE, taking over the governance of OpenNCP, has to assign people to these tasks.

Future developments would go as far as integrate STORK and Mobile eID, for instance. This is however to be discussed when the roadmap for the upcoming year is better defined.

Massimiliano Masi:

Massimiliano evoked the question on the responsibilities of the OpenNCP eID Task Force and noted that it is important to keep the e-SENSE eID effort separated from the "real" OpenNCP eID integration.

Alexandre Santos:

Alexandre mentioned another important task to perform: counter-validate the eID signature in the "client" OpenNCP node (NCB B). This is currently not implemented yet. The future strategy of DG SANTE around the eID integration will bring up more things.


Speaking of the DG SANTE OpenNCP-eID strategy, Jerome stated that markus.kalliola has already proposed aspects in the bi-weekly OpenNCP Community meeting and proposed to put this question on the agenda of the next one in order to have all actors discussing the OpenNCP approach to the eID integration. 

2. AOB



In the near future. Not date selected.