OpenNCP Technical Committee Meeting


Estimated - 13:00 to 14:00 CET

Performed - 13:00 to 14:20 CET


1. Housekeeping (Rui)

2. Developments status

a. Non-Rep (Tech Committee + Alexandre + EC Team)

b. SMP/SML (João + Tech Committee + EC Team);

c. eID (if we have time, because there is a scheduled meeting about this for tomorrow);

3. Requirements Roadmap

a. Probably will be postponed until next week (Rui)

4. AOB

5. Next Meeting (Rui)




Today's Meeting Participants:

Rui Alves (Unlicensed) 

Joao Cunha

Alexandre Santos



Heiko Zimmermann

(Not Able To Attend) Licinio Kustra Mano

Marcello Melgara 


Invited Members List:

Konstantin Hyppönen

Marco Bernardini

Stéphane Spahni

Kostas Karkaletsis

OpenNCP Community Governance: 



Since we could not have the full Technical Committee on 3rd August (Stephane on holidays) no decisions were taken beyond the following guidelines:

a) During August, consolidate as much as possible the three open epics with e-SENS (NonRP, eID Level 1, SMP assessment), no new epics should be taken on board.

b) Meet as soon as everyone is back from holidays: September 2nd, 13h00 CEST.


0.1. Overarching Vision

0.2. Development Roadmap

2. Developments status

a. Non-Rep (Tech Committee + Alexandre + EC Team)

Heiko Zimmermann:

Yes it would be positive to have a focused meeting about Non-Rep next week.


b. SMP/SML (João + Tech Committee + EC Team);

Markus (Unlicensed):

Joao Cunha:


c. eID (if we have time, because there is a scheduled meeting about this for tomorrow);


3. Roadmap for 2015

a. Probably will be postponed until next week (Rui)


4. AOB

Marcello Melgara: Update/upgrade the display tool: must be available on the EXPANDATHON to test

Marcello Melgara: Bring this up ASAP to have it in EXPANDATHON

Heiko Zimmermann: Kostas was the one working on this, but now I'm not sure anyone is working on it.

Marcello Melgara: Needs to be changed with new MVC... For the next release and to test in EXPANDATHON. We already addresses to Kostas as GNOMON is the author...

Alexandre Santos: Kostas changed the version of Portal in the last release... Was these the changes?

Marcello Melgara: No... 

TO BE DONE: Double check (w/Kostas) - about the Semantic Main Shop... If it is planned to be released in 2.4, we have to check this...

Heiko Zimmermann: Kostas is the right person...

Markus (Unlicensed): We can go to Kostas but try to assist him as he is the only person capable of moving this forward...


Marcello Melgara: Point everybody how LAM is included in the Portal and LARMS as well. A discussion with Marcello and Alexandre...


5. Next Meeting