OpenNCP integration with eID



Estimated - 13:00 to 14:00 CEST

Performed - 13:20 to 14:00 CEST


a) Status of eID

b) Next Steps




- Wiki+ WorkBench + AdobeConnect


Today's Meeting Participants:

Alexandre Santos

Joao Cunha



Stéphane Spahni

Massimiliano Masi

Ioannis Petrakis

@Alice Vasilescu (DG-DIGIT - eID)

Soeren Bittins

Markus (Unlicensed)


Invited Members List:

Rui Alves (Unlicensed)

Ortwin Donak

Natasha Carl

Daniele Crespi

@Robert Scharinger

@Tomé Vardasca 

Licinio Kustra Mano

Kostas Karkaletsis



0. Overview

1. Relevant Documentation (What's gathered so far)

The eID approach: The different levels


Level (Requirements)ModePilotAction by PatAttributes 
Level 0Manual input in the portal.epSOSMinimum D3.6.2  

Level 1

(disconnected mode possible)


?? (eSENS eHeath OpenNCP 2.3.0 – floting  componento any portal

Pat gives card, does not type; 

Surname given name gender unique (health) identifier; Varies with each country*

RISK: not 100% sure individual ID

Level 3

(connection to internet and to Country A is needed/national PKIs via centraized service)

LAMb+Pat action


Patient confirms (mobile key; Pins of the card)


Allows “signed consent”

Authetication is possible

Level 4

(Does not use local functions of the card, uses online “information”; access to PEP)

DCA  Distributed CrossB Authentication

Stork II

Patient confirms (mobile key; Pins of the card) in a PC at the PoCare)

(atributes in the “assertion are the key issue”)

Confirms with National PKI everything;

Confirmes eIDAS.

Level 5

.Advanced Mobile APP solution  (AMAPP)


Use their mobile phone for full autentication without card need


2. Meeting Minutes:

Alexandre Santos (briefing):

Soeren Bittins: lots of errors in the first release. New version of LAM will be released in the next days with capability for automatic install (digital signature). LAM and LARMS are integrated so that portal loads the correct ISM according to the issuing country of the smartcard, easening the workflow of OpenNCP. There a couple of new forms to align the eID components with data protection provisions from countries. Documentation provides configuration of parameters that can be activated or deactivated. Ioannis Petrakis reported little amount of attributes being retrieved when the smartcard is read. Soeren Bittins: we're retrieving all that we can. Ioannis Petrakis asked if the attributes don't exist or if they cannot retrieve them. Soeren Bittins: It's OK with the attributes that we can fetch. Ioannis Petrakis: can provide another card if necessary.

Soeren Bittins: Inclusion of new facility for the cards with more than 1 certificate: you can choose the certificate to be used: AuthN vs signature certificate. Important for STORK.

Alexandre Santos: is there any repository to see those new features that the portal enters the correct nation based on the smartcard or can you send me a zip file with the code? Soeren Bittins: both. Got the AuthZ from DPA to put our NCP in a public repository. Still waiting for authZ for connecting our NCP to PT NCP. Our internal data protection authority needs to authorize and it takes a lot of time. Cannot tell when will have a complete workflow including exchanging of medical data.


TO DO's:

3. AOB
