OpenNCP integration with SMP


Estimated - 14:00 to 15:00 CEST

Performed - 14:00 to 16:00 CEST (appologies for the delay)


0. Overview

1. Document on SMP and Open Questions

2. AOB




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Today's Meeting Participants:

Joao Cunha

Rui Alves (Unlicensed)

@Uwe Roth

Massimiliano Masi


Adrien Ferial (DG DIGIT),

João (DG Digit),

Stéphane Spahni

[Appologizes] Heiko Zimmermann


Invited Members List:

Licinio Kustra Mano

Markus (Unlicensed)


@Gwenaelle Quivy

Marcello Melgara


Natasha Carl

Alexandre Santos

Kostas Karkaletsis

Ortwin Donak



0. Overview

1. Document on SMP and Questions Open:

Draft version shared for comments: e-SENS-eHealth-SMP_SML-v02-Draft_ForComments.doc

Questions from Last Meeting (Q1 to Q5): 



14) OpenNCP as ATNA Secure node

14.1 (Heiko): There is also nowadays a point related to the creation of the ATNA logfiles format. Since the specification from IHE has been modified and now requests the implementation of the logfiles in compliance to the DICOM format, which OpenNCP is currently not capable of.

Answer: epSOS log files were based on RFC 3881, which is deprecated ("The use of RFC3881 has been deprecated by IHE and IETF." - IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Framework Supplement - Add RESTful Query to ATNA, section Audit log is now based on DICOM audit schema. That affects the whole epSOS specification. We depend on EXPAND's work to update the specifications (syntactical change, not semantic). More info can be checked in the minutes from a Non-repudiation meeting.

14.2  TSL Sync has quartz job (WAR. JAR doesn't - should it be run with cron?). Does it work like the syncapp then? Does it do all the needed tasks like rebooting for creating the start & stop audit log (mandatory - Massi)? Does it make OpenNCP a secure node? What about sharing the search masks?

Answer: We should address this issue in an OpenNCP specific meeting.


15) Mapping TSL-SMP (Massi's doc EXPAND CP)

- EndpointURI

               Section 1.1.4: VPN endpoint must be an URI (xs:anyURI) but all we have is an IP address or domain name. Possible solution: use a non-standard scheme (e.g. "ipsec:")

Masi agrees with Uwe’s and João’s suggestion to go with the non-standard. 


- Certificates

                Signature certificate is used separately in NCP-B STS (IdP) endpoint configuration.

                In each endpoint we use the TLS certificate.

                This doesn't restrict the provision of epSOS compliant certificates by the MS.

- TSL envelope

                If such records are considered, they SHOULD be part of the ServiceGroup (as Extensions).      

- ServiceStatus

                - Should it be removed? It addresses epSOS pilot phase 1. If is not in accordance, then the activation date is less than now, or the SMP record should not be there. This decision should be taken in a broader scope:

                               - Put in comments and let EXPAND discuss.      

- Fields mandated by SMP:

                - RequireBusinessLevelSignature (not needed for us)

                - MinimumAuthenticationLevel (useful in eID level 2?)

- Advanced signature -- EXPAND to discuss


- Section 1.1.4 - VPN Endpoint/@transportProfile

                - Should we use for the type of VPN?


16) Relaxations that still exist:


i) SHA1 vs SHA2 certificate relaxation;

ii) CA problem (not Trusted Third Party, but ministry or national level CA) and the certificate profiles


17) Is eID dependent (completely or partially) on SMP/SML?

Answer: Completely dependent I would say no, but using SMP will help a lot the deployments and its usability. LAM needs additional info (in comparison with LARMS)

                      - Patient consent (TRCA signed by patient)

                      - Where is TRC-STS?

                      - Which auth plan (is this patient allowed to sign the TRCA, or the stork IT (which one? STORK, eIDAS, etc?))

                      - Which certificates to use to validate TLS connection?

      - In order to avoid configuration entries in the hospital or PoC

      - Use SMP to bring info from the country of treatment

      - LAM contacts SMP. NPC-B is not touched

      - Portal init() triggers transaction and tells LAM who is the caller

      - LAM builds SML query


18) Building domain name of country (Uwe)


SML domain (comes from DIGIT)

       - A NAPTR entry for each service

       - SAML NameID of the remote's issuer

                       - HCID or STS -- unique fields of each NCP



2. AOB


Today's meeting actions and next meeting: