
Background and strategic fit

Why are you doing this? How does this relate to your overall product strategy?


Functional Requirements 

#RequirementsStatusShort descriptionType*

Business Value

(0-lower 5-higher)

Effort needed

(in hours)

Proposed Timeline

(2015 or 2016)

Timeline Expectation

(2016 or 2016)

1Non-­Repudation token creation, integrate with a repository to keep these records and build also a UI for viewing and exporting them.In Progress    2015 

Needed a CLEAR PICTURE on what to implement.

2eID Patient Identification - integration with OpenNCP (from e-SENS) Level 1 (LARMS) and Level 2 (LAM).In Progress    2015  
3SMP Integration with OpenNCP (from e-SENS).In Specification    2016  

CTS2 compliance in:

  • tsam sync, 
  • tsam export;
In RoadMap     2016  

Centralised GUI - for invoking epsos services like:

  • tsam sync, 
  • tsam export;
In RoadMap     -  To be better described
6Centralised GUI - configuration properties change (GUI for epsodb) In RoadMap     -  To be better described
7Centralised log for all the epsos activities (possible extension of audit logs), and ui for browsing this logIn RoadMap      -  To be better described
8eADC (Automatic Data Collecter) improvements to keep useful information. It needs to be revised what is kept now and maybe be extended
  • Centralised GUI for browsing and searching eADC data

  • Main purpose of this component was "Secondary Use of data and in second place statistics"
In RoadMap      2016  
9TSAM Synchronization refactoring (it needs a number of hours for a synchronisation)In RoadMap      2015  

*Type: New feature; Improvement; Bug Fix; 


#RequirementsShort descriptionType*

Business Value

(0-lower 5-higher)

Effort needed

(in hours)


(2015 or 2016)


*Type: New feature; Improvement; Bug Fix; 

Non-Functional Requirements 

#RequirementsShort descriptionType*

Business Value

(0-lower 5-higher)

Effort needed

(in hours)


(2015 or 2016)


*Type: New feature; Improvement; Bug Fix;